✧ Gopi & Fred ✧



3 years, 5 months ago


Gopi Youngman Fred Weasley

Gopi Youngman

NameGopi Youngman

Age11 - 20

GenderHe / They Transmasc


OccupationHogwarts Student


Fred Weasley

NameFred Weasley

Age11 - 20

GenderHe / Him


OccupationHogwarts Student




LengthSince they were 11

StatusBest Friends

MetHogwarts Express

LivingNot Together



Fred is Gopi's other closest friend. Fred is the main one that helps  Gopi socialize, since he's the most extroverted. Gopi and Fred have a  very sibling-like bond, and often tease and mess around with each other.  Gopi and Fred tend to wrestle a lot with each other, usually when one  takes something away from the other, Fred likes to grab quills and books  and hold them over his head so Gopi can't reach, and Gopi does the same  but holds them so tight that Fred can't get their arms open, thus them  wrestling each other to get the item away from the other.

 The wrestling  is never aggressive and only there to make each other laugh. They also  like to foot wrestle under the desks. If one gets detention, you bet the  other will get it as well just so they can spend more time together,  though it's usually Fred who gets it first, but as they say, no friend gets detention  alone.


Meeting and getting close

Gopi and Fred met on the Hogwarts Express during their first year.  Kids had informed them that there were another set of twins coming that  year, and they wanted to meet them. Of course being the outgoing 11 year  olds they were, they barged into their compartment and introduced  themselves. Once they introduced themselves to each other, Fred and  George noticed Gopis cat, in which they helped them brainstorm ideas for  a name. Names they came up with was Dumbledore, Dubbers, Einstein, Joe,  and Peewee, but agreed on Pistachio, which Fred suggested.

They  all got sorted into Gryffindor and soon became best friends. Fred and  George did their best teaching Gopi and Sage about the wizarding world  and what to expect. They spend all of their time together, and they're  like an inseparable group together. They all spend the holidays together  at Hogwarts, and Fred and George liked to give Mollys present to Sage  and Gopi themselves when they first found out that they would be  receiving one.

Since the Weasleys lived near a lake, Sage and  Gopis parents often let them go over to their house using Floo powder  during the summer, and they spent most of their summers over at the  Weasleys.


As they all got closer, they became more friendly with each other. They  all became very affectionate with each other, but also Fred and George  started pulling more pranks, though they let Gopi and Sage join in on  their pranks if they want.

Even at this stage, They have no fear  showing friendly platonic affection towards each other, they all enjoy  sharing a couch in the common room together and studying or reading  notes together, or sometimes they just talk to each other for hours,  Fred and George like to hear about muggle things and Gopi likes to hear  them talk about their childhood living in the wizarding community,  sometimes they may or may not accidentally fall asleep on the common  room couch. Sometimes Fred and George will invite Sage and Gopi to do  wizarding things they did as a kid, and sometimes Sage and Gopi will  show them muggle things they did as a kid.


Gopi and Fred are very close friends, and see each other as family. The two of them can trust each other with anything, except sometimes Gopi is a bit skeptical since Fred likes pulling pranks on them, but they still love each other nonetheless. They're both very affectionate with each other and they love spending time together, and sometimes they like to team up against George and Sage, just to switch things around.









  • Ribs - Lorde
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  • Fred was the one that named Gopis cat.
  • Fred likes to get them matching things, usually for the whole group.
  • Fred likes to do "twin things" with the whole group, such as purposely sitting in a line with Gopi, George, and Sage, and things like that, the others just follow along