Coral Rosewood



Put a dance in your step and some money in your wallet, and all will be well!
Coral Rosewood
Rosie, The Pink Petal Thief
April 15th/Aries
Panromantic pansexual
Alive | Single
5'1" (Stands at around 5'4" in her boots)
Somewhat curvy; somewhat dancer-like physique
Thief/con artist (somewhat)
Peach blossom/Coral rose
Created 1/2/21
Charisma 90%
Kindness 70%
Temper 40%
Integrity 30%
Courage 70%
Humor 90%
Attack 90%
Defense 40%
Magic 50%
Stamina 70%
Speed 90%
Luck 70%

Coral comes off as being very innocent, pure, and naive at first glance. She often tricks people into thinking she's totally helpless and in desperate need of assistance. Typically, the assistance she's after is monetary, or some sort of favor (in which she can take the time to steal all your valuables). However, her vulnerable persona is far from the truth. In fact, she's more than capable of taking care of herself, both in and out of combat. Once one sees through her con of vulnerability, her true personality comes to play. While she isn't necessarily mean, she IS a playfully nasty little thing. She loves cracking jokes and teasing others, though it's always in jest. She typically never tries to hurt anyone's feelings. She's energetic, bright, and optimistic, always seeing the sunny side regardless of the situation. She'll never say no to having a fun time, especially through going out and adventuring. She's a curious and daring girl, one who's up to try anything twice. While she isn't quite as innocent as she portrays herself for cons, she still does have a spark of almost childlike whimsy to her. She's an imaginative dreamer, and she lets her ambitions reach the highest heavens. Thanks to this, she's a magnificent actress and storyteller. She uses these skills to her advantage during her swindling deals especially, and can get herself and those close to her out of just about any sticky situation with a few improvised lines. She's pretty quick to act when the moment calls on it, and has gotten out of many close calls before as a result.

However, she does have her flaws. She's pretty emotionally oblivious a lot of the time, and can act in somewhat "tone-deaf" ways during emotionally-charged situations. She doesn't quite know when to turn off the playful energy all the time, and can sometimes come off as callous as a result. She doesn't mean to, however, and will apologize if she realizes she's hurt someone. She's incredibly stubborn, and she won't take no for an answer at all. She either follows her way or follows no way, in a sense. She's incredibly cocky, and will not hesitate to tease and mock even the strongest of opponents. She'll egg people on just for the fun of it, and often with no remorse (until she faces the consequences). This is especially the case if someone has personally upset her. She's very petty, and will make your life a living hell should you get on her bad side. She's prone to putting important matters on the back burner in favor of her current goal, which seems to always flit around in random directions. She has no real direction much of the time, and can become distracted easily as a result. While she isn't as naive as she portrays herself upon first meeting, she does still have a very idealistic view on the world. She likes to believe that she can be easily trusting despite her line of work, which can lead to her getting into some pretty tough corners when her trust blows up in her face. However, in the right company and with the right guidance, she can still be a worthwhile ally to have around.

Coral's dream in life was to become a performer, specifically a dancer. She dedicated her entire life to attempting to become a famous dancer. She soon realized that the idea simply wouldn't make ends meet, leading her down the path of thievery instead. However, her roots in dance are still ever-present to this day, especially in her combat style. She combines dance-like rhythms and acrobatics with dual chakrams in a frenzy of fast combat. She can use the chakrams to hook onto items such as poles and branches (really anything she can swing from), allowing her to do swinging acrobatic moves in midair rather easily. Her range and mobility are hard to beat, to say the least. However, in the event that she is at a disadvantage, she has some magic to help her out. While it isn't very helpful for offensive moves, she can summon pink petals (like those on the flowers on her clothes) for distractions. Whether she's using them as a smoke screen for a quick getaway, creating a body double of herself out of petals to distract an enemy or dodge an attack, or tangling a foe up in a whirlwind of pink to give herself enough time to strike, her magic provides another layer to strategizing in battle. These petal abilities have given her the nickname of The Pink Petal Thief.

Design notes:

  • She has freckles on her face and shoulders!! Keep this in mind!!
  • Her pigtails are asymmetrical!! One reaches about her bust, while the other reaches her mid-thigh! Keep this in mind, it IS intentional!!
  • Her hair has a gradient in it! It gets lighter toward the bottom! The shades for the gradient are in her color palette!
  • Her chakrams are pretty big! They're not MASSIVE, but they're still sizeable! Keep this in mind!
  • She loves giving people nicknames. They're typically just driven from their first or last name (Like what she did with Riven), but she still finds them fun. She almost never refers to someone by their first name if she's figured out a nickname for them.
  • She likes the scene of bars and taverns quite a bit! While she's not an excessive drinker or alcoholic to any extent, she does enjoy alcohol quite a bit. She'll often celebrate good jobs at the local tavern as a result.
  • She keeps a diary! Typically, it just recounts the events of her day, alongside some plans for the future. However, she also uses it for pretty personal secrets and feelings at times. And doodles, of course. She draws in her diary a lot.
  • Surprisingly, she's actually pretty forgetful of a lot of things. She has to be reminded pretty constantly of things to make sure she gets them done, unless she's already motivated on them. This is part of the reason why she likes keeping a diary; it makes it so she can read back on memories she's recounted so she won't forget them.
  • If she could, she believes that she would drop the thief job in a heartbeat if she could sustainably dance for a living. However, at the same time, she really loves the traveling that comes out of her thief work, and she's not sure if she could give that up.
  • Alongside her dancing, she is also pretty musically inclined! She loves singing, or even just humming, and will often serenade any travel companions she's with (Riven) on their long journeys.
  • She loves peaches, and really anything peach flavored. She especially loves peach cookies!
  • She absolutely LOVES the color pink, like way too much.
  • While she'll never outwardly admit this, there is a theory that she came up with her name herself. People often think it would just be TOO convenient for someone to be named after the colors that cover them so much. If this is the case, then her original name has been lost since then.
  • She LOVES her freckles, like a LOT. She thinks that they add a lot to her cuteness factor!
  • She'll flirt with anyone and everyone she comes across. Typically she'll just do it to goof around, and it's not anything serious. Her sense of humor can also be very raunchy to go along with this flirting.
  • She really likes warm weather, and especially seaside communities. She feels a lot more free running around on sunny days, to say the least. She also really loves swimming, and she'll always take a chance to swim when she's around water.
  • Her hair is asymmetrical! This isn't just a matter with her pigtails, the rest of her hair is just as slanted. This is mainly because she doesn't want to bother with letting a professional cut her hair, so she does it herself. She's not perfect by any means (and can't cut a straight line to save her life), but she loves the asymmetrical look, so she doesn't mind.
  • She cares quite a lot about money. She came from a very poor background, so any cent that she's able to get means a lot to her. While she's not desperate enough to do ANYTHING for money, she still tries to look for opportunities that will grant her some.
  • While many people are intimidated by Riven, she is one of the few people who isn't. She loves her buff, tall traveling partner okay??
  • She often likes being carried by Riven when they travel. She especially loves sitting on Riven's shoulder, as she feels very tall when she does that.
  • She is very limber, and likes hanging upside down in random places. She also really likes swinging on things.
  • She LOVES swingsets, like a ton. She will drop everything to go swinging on a swingset.
  • Her favorite animal is easily the crab. She thinks crustaceans in general are the coolest animals in the world, but crabs especially just rock her world.
  • More later?



Riven Mercury

Riven and Coral met under unfortunate circumstances, to say the least. Coral thought that Riven may be an easy target to swindle, and got away with quite a lot of her money before she was caught. However, their meeting was one of fate, as they were eventually pushed to have to rely on one another. They now travel together and are on much more friendly terms. Coral absolutely loves Riven despite her very cold demeanor. She loves cracking jokes and trying to bring a smile to Riven's face, despite how tricky it can be. She often likes to rely on Riven as being her "big strong friend," a title which she uses often when people are messing with her ("You better leave me alone, I have a big strong friend who can mess you up!"). However, while she can be emotionally tone-deaf at times, she's still surprisingly comforting when Riven needs her to be. She tries her best to be there for her friend no matter the circumstances.



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