


3 years, 5 months ago


Apex Legend: Umbra

Sniper . Stealthy . Killer

S. Morlock
Nonbinary (She/They) 


  • Triple Take Sniper Rifle / Spitfire
  • Nighttime
  • Macchiatos 
  • Blue


  • Light Weapons
  • Unethical Scientists
  • Interviews
  • Tea


S[Redacted] Morlock was born on the planet Talos where there was a lonely tower in the midst of the forests miles from worlds edge, where Cassandra and Evan Morlock were attempting to raise their child. The Morlocks were both scientists in the hopes of better and safer human improvements. Synthetics that looked real, giving vision to the blind, giving people super powers without ruining their lives, true human improvement without the cost. S[Redacted] was a trained fighter for their whole life, their parents were former fights amongst the frontier and wanted their child to be guard for their discoveries. They did hand to hand combat training with their father and their mother taught her the art of stealth.

When they were younger their life was very lonely, S[Redacted] had a bad temperament and didn't do well because of it in school. While her parents loved her dearly they had a hard time being, well, parents. They were often left to be babysat by MRVN's and other small robots. Sometimes she got to go outside and play with the wildlife or in the snow, but otherwise her world became nothing but lab walls and robots. She had to be pulled from school before she was 10, further being taught by the robots. S[Redacted] is unable to control her emotions and is either too empathetic, too angry, or too fearful of her relationships. Her early teen years were training, the very brief time she did get with her parents.

 When they were around 16 years old they were in their parents company on the lab floor, right before tragedy struck. A wealthy group of scientists and their gunner goons stormed their labs and took over their work and equipment, claiming the Morlocks no longer had access or rights to it. The couple tried to hide their child only to be met with deadly force.  Once S[Redacted] was found she was used as the first ever test subject of their research, as the Morlocks didn't test on humans for fear of mistake. They had gained an injury in the scuffle, a deep laceration on their cheek under their eye. The scientists gave her the prototype synthetic eye that would allow doctors to do live scans of someone's health. Bone, organ health, armor rating, it was a one way to give doctors the best advantage in helping patients. She was also injected with a dosage of highly processed carbon, that allowed the body to pump more of it emitting a dark shadow-like material from the vantage point of insertion (a.k.a her right arm). This material was meant to aid in stealth, creating literal shadows, however the process was not complete. The scientists wanted to test her parents research to see if, truly, it was worth the raid. S[Redacted] was released in a remote location in the middle of the woods with a new eye they didn't know how to use and no family to return to. They sought to destroy the scientists who destroyed her family and her dignity. She had new abilities, the ability to hide and become shadow, and her eye allowing her to see through walls from time to time. once she had learned how to use it.

S[Redacted] was cold, injured, and traumatized wandering in the cold woods. She found an old cabin, assuming it belonged to a rich couple for summer get away's and broke in through a window. That night while looking out the window into the snowstorm, she could only think of the future and what was to come. As the days went by her new abilities were borderline torturing her, sometimes if she was too active the shadow-like material would burst from her, she couldn't control it, and it would take sometime to stop before calming again, leaving her in shadow for the next remaining minutes. It had been weeks before she was able to remove herself from her home and she traveled until she found some settlements.  
S[Redacted] decided from those moments on that their true name was no more, and only Umbra remained.

Umbra made a name for herself in the art of stealth and winning fights, she had heard of an arena event, the Apex Games. She climbed her way through trial after trial, until the day came that she would fight amongst the legends. Umbra was 20 years old when she started in the games, she'd been training for the 4 prior years as a means of preparation. Umbra figured that once in the ranks of the Apex Legends that she'd either see the day she'd usurp her oppressors, or she'd die.

In the first few games she had not the best of luck, though was often paired with a strange and clinically insane companion, Inferno. Inferno was an ex marine that had a few screws lose and an obsession with fire. While at first they butt heads the two realized their opposing ways of fighting could make one hell of a team. With Umbras stealth and mastery of shadow and Infernos pyromaniac tank ways, the two steadily rose to fame as a dynamic duo. Umbra had many plights in the apex games concerning her abilities however, sometimes her arm would burst into the cloud of darkness and harm herself and her teammates, the more she was active the stronger and less controlled the bursts were, some people even stopped picking her back up in fights in fear of her ult keeping them from wins.

When on the dropship between planets and arenas there is a pleasant blue-haired woman by the name of Tabitha Brewer, who offered to give Umbra a fix for her problem. Tabitha invented a device that would monitor and slightly control Umbras shadow-making ability. There was a charge amount and a failsafe button for her to end her 'ultimate' when it had achieved its purpose. After this device was acquired Umbra and her squads were dominating the arena. Soon after being granted the device Umbra and Tabitha became good friends, and one of Umbras first ever friends alongside Inferno.

Aside from friendships Umbra had some rivalry in the arena. The mysterious hunter, Bloodhound often gave her trouble. Whenever they got into a fight they never could be defeated or remain victor. Both of them had backgrounds that lead to them being equals and their fights either came to abrupt ends, or never finished. Umbra often teased Bloodhound in fights and Bloodhound returned the sass. Their rivalry became the talk of Apex fans all across the frontier, However Umbra couldnt help but wonder what lied beneath that odin-worshipping talk and the respirator. Umbra had complications with this infatuation and often found respite in her friends Tabitha and Inferno. Inferno always offered to be a fiery wingman, always being shut down by Umbra, but he always continued to tease her about her infatuation with a mask. Tabitha, being 10 years older and having slight advantage in experience offered advice in talking to them. At one point Bloodhound barged in on them talking about them because they had broken their respirator and lacked a spare, the had their face covered with medical masks and scarves as a means to hide, but desperately needed a new respirator. Tabitha left them alone while she retreated to her office to make them one. Umbra offered them a seat and they shared awkward small talk. Umbra joked about not biting and even tried to add a flirt to it but immediately shut herself down. After Bloodhound had left Tabitha teased her about her inability to communicate and the temptation lead on.

Inevitably Bloodhound returned their own curiosity and sparked a conversation between Umbra. Both of them a long talk admitted their attractions to one another before Bloodhound snuck her away to their dropship cabin to reveal their features to her. Umbra and Bloodhound after that night were immediately almost inseparable. Bloodhound helps Umbra get in touch with her anger as a means to tame it and channel the energies into other things, including her fighting spirit, and Umbra teaches Bloodhound how to find love with trust in someone once again after the betrayal of their formal best friend, their reason for being in the apex games. Umbra adores them, and finds new motivations in live in them, along with her new friends.

Tactical Abilities:
Passive: Umbra gains slight invisibility when crouching
Minor Ability: They scan with their eye they can see enemies nearby but most importantly they can see their health and armor levels, they cannot move while using this ability.  
Ultimate: Umbra releases a sort of smoke that does minor damage to enemies and for Umbra it allows her to disengage for others it like disperses them, it separates the fight and shrouds it in darkness for around 10 seconds, Umbra can move freely while others are moved against their will. Umbra can attack during this and others can attack too. 

⇀ Stats















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