
3 years, 5 months ago


Half-daemon - 28 - she/her - ace

Will make the formatting pretty later


-Selectively mute. Can speak through clicks and hisses, but prefers to sign

-Reserved, pretty morbid, but fiercely loyal and determined

-Don't make her mad

-Currently traveling around the galaxy with way too many other people. Like, a few friends and a dozen other people too many (will have refs for some of them eventually). Please help.

-Originally a maerinian (humanoid amphibious alien) just living her normal life, until daemons (other aliens, more demonic in appearance, more technologically advanced, and possessing a vicious superiority complex) invaded to take the planet for themselves. That didn't end well for the maerinians. During all of this, Azlea was taken prisoner

-And was eventually put into a program to make her a weapon. She spent years as a hypercompetent assassin and unerring tool of the daemons, until one of her missions went so wrong that she was stranded on a rural planet with no communication. Out from under the thumb of the daemons, she recovered just a sliver of independent identity, got in touch just a little with her emotions. She didn't want the daemons to find her

-So she's on the run now whoops