


3 years, 5 months ago


Basic info

Age Young Adult
Gender Female
S.O. None
DoB Unknown
Attribute Life
Size Small

About Tama













Current Status


Current Location

Outksirts of The Forbidden Lands



Twin sibling Tricos who escaped the control of the Master of the Valley and left The Nest to live their own lives. They're currently residing on the outskirts of The Forbidden Lands, but have been seen venturing nearby human settlements in recent times. Outside of a few scarse sightings, they tend to avoid any contact and seem to keep to themselves.

Okami - Kamiki Festival

Tama is far less social than her brother, often going out of her way to avoid contact with anyone other than Yurick. She's more agressive overall and tends to think critically in comparison. Often driven by instinct and survival instincts, Tama is consideribly more tightly wound than her brother. This is in stark contrast to her abilities of healing and life-giving. Plants and flowers thrive around her, and it is said that there is a sense of warmth around her. It has become a folk legend that should you catch a glimpse of the mysterious guardian of life, you'll be blessed with good luck and health.

Yurick is well known for his curious nature, often wanting to explore the world around him and any that inhabit it. He's gentle natured and tends to act on his emotions rather than logically, which can get him into trouble. Yurick is far more laid back than his sister, often seeing the beauty of the world and taking it all in around him. This is a far cry from his abilities of withering and life-taking. Plants and flowers wilt and die when touched by Yurick and it is reported there is a feeling of cold dread that surrounds him. It's become a folk legend that should you catch a glimpse of mysterious guardian of death, you'll be cursed with misfortune and will be followed by death.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Think First

Act First

Laid Back


Starts Trouble

Fixes Trouble

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile

Stand Ground

Run Away

Dislikes Touch

Loves Touch

Picky Eater

Eats Anything


Loose Cannon





The Story So Far...

Their Past

Tama and Yurick were born deep within the confines of The Nest and spent much of their early life there. Between the two they learned most of the basics such as how to fly, hunt and protect themselves. There were a few others around their age that they learned alongside, however they were called by the Guardian of the Valley one by one until it was Tama's turn. She initially didn't mind being called, but Yurick had his doubts. After some time without returning, Yurick became worried.

Uneasy at his sister's disappearance, Yurick went searching only to find that all of those summoned had been formed into mind-controlled monsters. Trying his best to call his sister back to reality, Yurick was met with a violent attack that he narrowly escaped. In the struggle however Tama slipped from the heights and crashed to the ground, breaking her horns and effectivley freeing her from the Guardian's hold but injuring her in the process.

Seeing their only chance to flee, the young duo fled the valley and their companions. The journey took them some time as Tama was injured from the fall, leaving them to learn the most effective ways to hide. This occasionally took them near to human settlements where the two learned much about the strange beings, both good and bad. Eventually they settled on the outskirts of the Forbidden Lands while Tama healed, and have been there since.


Injuries are just a minor setback if it means my freedom. I'll never allow such a thing to happen again, to myself or to Yurick.


I narrowly lost you once, I won't leave you again. Even though you tried to kill me, it was nothing compared to the feeling of watching you fall that day.


Tama and Yurick have been residing on the outskirts of the Forbidden Lands, finding a comfortable niche for them to shelter in. Though most of the time humans don't dare travel so far out, there have been a few odd sightings over the years. The few times the two had been spotted, the lucky or sometimes very unlucky humans brought stories back to their homes and villages. These stories have brought out more and more curoius souls over time that hope to also catch a glimpse of these unusual beasts.

Because of the uprise in human activity near their home, Tama has become more aggresive in her attempts to protect their home, while Yurick has gotten more cuious about these odd visitors. Their combined actions have only caused more legends and tales to spread like wildfire. Humans activley get as close as they can to the Forbidden Lands, putting pressure on the leaders of the villages to protect their people.

Currently Tama and Yurick have had several close calls with many villagers and their leaders, leaving the duo to make a difficult choice. Defend their home with everything they have, or move further in and risk the dangers that dwell within the Forbidden Lands.


We've been through hell to get this far. I won't let a bunch of humans chase us away but if it means protecting Yurick...


I wish we could find a way to coexist with the humans, but I know Tama is right. I just wish we had another choice...


  • Tama and Yurick are the same height, but Yurick is heavier due to his thick fur.
  • Yurick won't admit it but he wishes he could hold a flower without accidentally killing it.
  • Tama is better at mid-flight manuvering where Yurick is better at distance flights.
  • Yurick hates water. Tama loves to swim.
  • Both siblings have a sweet tooth, adoring fruits of all kinds.

Basic info

Age Young Adult
Gender Male
S.O. None
DoB Unknown
Attribute Death
Size Small

Feelings towards Character1













Current Status


Current Location

Outskirts of the Forbidden Lands