Jolynn Alethia



3 years, 3 months ago


This character has no warnings but is a WIP. Some info is still missing or may change. She has no friends so if anyone wants to be her friend I wouldn't mind 👀


Name Jolynn Alethia
Height 6'4" ft
Age 15
Birthday content
Gender Female
Pronouns She / Her
Sexuality Straight
Status Single
Race Human
Occupation Highschooler


  • Cute Things
  • Running
  • content


  • Her Height
  • Her Voice
  • Crowds

Jolynn is a kind, sweet girl who has social anxiety. She's extremely nervous and self conscious around others. She is very sensetive, it is very easy to hurt her feelings. She is selectively mute, she doesn't know any sign language so she carries around a notebook or white board in order to communicate with others. If she doesn't have either of those things she uses her phone.



Jolynn has a naturally high pitched voice and has always been very tall for her age. Due to these two characteristics she was constantly bullied for her height and voice. Over time she grew to be very self concious about herself and stopped talking. Eventually the bullying got to her and she got her parents to make her homeschooled. Although her parents are divorced and seperated they still do their best to take care of her and support her. They still maintain a good relationship with one another, it's almost as if they never got divorced in the first place.


  • Loves running, before she became homeschooled she was in Track and Field
  • She hasn't talked for years, not even to her parents to the point people (including herself) forgot how she sounds like
  • Secrectly reads fanictions and has made a few herself


Design Notes

  • Full Image
  • One sock is high, the other is lower
  • Hair is usually always in a ponytail
  • You can draw her with a white board or notepad but not required


[ relationship ]

Your character's thoughts here!

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There's automated height so it can be as short as you want!

Since the boxes are small though, I recommanded abount three paragraphs max? For easy reading!


Worth +$20
Artist of Main Pic Nealelephus
Artist of Reference Nealelephus
Base Pinky
Music dogboy
Color Pallate StormyStarlight
Social jinko