#3144 Frankie



3 years, 5 months ago



chibi by gardensprouts . painting by himb0i
#3144 frankie

masterlist . gp tracker . aesthetic

out in the (no longer so wild) west of America, you may come across a stretch of prairie that your gut tells you to steer clear of. it'd be well advised, for beneath the lone tree stands a wooden grave marker surrounded by tended wildflowers - and this grave has a vicious guardian.

he's got a temper to rival a dragon, and an enchantment that'll lower your morals to his level. you'd do well to tread lightly, be kind to your horse, and keep your gun holstered when under his sharp-eyed gaze.

not available as a creator
can be depicted in artwork, writing, and interactions

Species esk
origin trespasser
nature wayward
boundary native prairie
size lithe

  • the size of a clydesdale horse at 7ft tall, but a skinny, lanky build with very fine feathered legs
  • outside of the plains biome, the leather ties and braids leave his deadlocked mane in a tangled mess, and his tail falls loose and brushes the ground
  • the scar across his nose and the embroidered red bandana are remnants of his original form
  • his tatty arrows aren't always visible; when he's content they fade, but when he's particularly angry they spark, enchanted



haunted prairie




at the tail end of the 1800s amongst the prairies of the wild west, Franklin Marlow lived a short and unruly life as a cowboy, gunslinger, bounty hunter, occasional thief and conman, and information broker. his loyalty was rarely given and usually fleeting and he didn’t care for staying with a gang, but he enjoyed a peaceful, carefree life on the road with his little mare, and later with his partner, Olivia. they enjoyed nights at nearby saloons with glasses of whiskey and winning hands of poker, hunting the lands for treasure and growing civilisation for information, and through their travels he became friends with many - usually the outlaw types.


mourning, wrathful

Frankie’s transformation came after a gunfight in which Olivia was killed, and the trauma aligned him as a trespasser. he remembers more of his life than he wants to, most clearly the more painful parts, and is consequently not fond of his creator, Vetru, who is frequently on the end of his fits of anger. his behaviour overall is quite erratic and wilful, as he’s stuck in the endless cycle of grieving; he prefers only esk with a similar outlook and life as his own, and still doesn’t suffer company for long stretches of time. the only creature who lingers from the start is his pale snake familiar - non-venemous, non-threatening, content like Frankie's forgotten how to be.


lost love

the little esk appeared at his side one day and just never left, even through his spats of anger and spite. he mostly drowns out her chattering, but it's admittedly a comforting background noise and she sometimes tells an interesting tale. her familiar, a copperhead with a vindictive streak a mile wide, is strangely amicable with his own gentle rat snake. truth be told, he doesn't really mind the company - it doesn't hurt that she reminds him of someone he lost...

tex's gang
long time friends

a gunslinger he had business with a fair few times back in their human lives and - well, he guesses you could call them friendly. what are the chances he'd come across Tex and his ragtag gang of outlaws so many years later, all wearing different forms? Sparrow likes them, and says there's something to be believed about fate. the memories the crew bring back sure are more fun than being a spirit.

unwanted creator

he didn't appreciate being dragged into an eternal life, alone and grieving, and has been known to take his anger about it out on his creator. even as he makes some friends and unexpected discoveries, he's not sure he'll ever be able to forgive the wanderer... he certainly doesn't have time for his incessant, childish conversation.