


3 years, 5 months ago


Name Halle Araceli

Age 11

Birthday July 9

Star Sign Cancer

Gender Demigirl (she/they)

Species Driftling

Height 4'9

Orientation Bisexual

Occupation Student


  • food
  • naps
  • being doted on

  • work
  • her feathers :(
  • broken promises

  • you can prune the feathers theyre coming Right Back
  • resting bored face
  • they're good at acting when they feel like it
You're kinda funny, huh?

The pictures of happy, smiling families in the commercials and picture books always felt so foreign to Halle. Her family wasn't anything like that - for starters, she didn't have a mom or a dad, just two parents. And they weren't exactly loving, either. They seemed to have different sorts of love for her, for each other, and for the other people in their lives... Curious, Halle spent most of her time whenever her parents were together simply silently observing them.

Parent was a lot more strict, but she saw a lot more of them. They constantly put her to work in the nail salon, sweeping, cleaning, helping with the reception desk. All the regular customers learned her name and would greet her with happy grins and praise her hard work. She didn't enjoy it in the slightest, but the customers were... kinda nice, all things considered.

Every now and then, parent would rescue her from her drudgery, showing up at the back entrance and whisking her away. While she saw much less of parent than parent, parent usually spent their time together spoiling her. They'd buy her gifts or take her to amusement parks or movies, anything seemingly just to spite her parent. Parent said that parent thinks they can buy people's affection.

Halle thinks they're right.

When she's not busy with her parents, or sleeping at school, she's usually lounging around the mansion, sleeping in random spots, raiding the fridge. Being mostly quiet and sleepy, and always looking bored, she didn't have many friends at school, with most kids assuming she was mean or snooty based on appearance alone. She was mostly well-behaved until her parent's friend started bringing her son around more. He's kinda fun, and their family is kinda strange too, like hers... If Yuusuke says he knows how to have a good time, she's not gonna turn him down.

Watching parent switch between their business persona, where they seem closer to Halle with their detached air and coldness, to their private self, where they yell and act like a spoiled brat all the time, is really funny to her. They like both versions of parent. They make a good duo on business trips.

Paris Parent

Parent doesn't really have a fake persona like parent does, but they do have a lot of secrets. Halle is hoping if she hangs around parent long enough, eventually they'll slip. They probably won't, though. That's okay, parent knows a lot of other cool things that make up for it.

Yuusuke Partner in Crime

Yuusuke is kind've like Halle's opposite - on top of being red, he's often full of life, and much more energetic. She finds it a little captivating, encouraged to go along with his crazy plans. He's kinda cute, too. She tries to hide the fact that she's much stronger than him for his sake, though.