RoYai ❤️



7 years, 1 month ago

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Curse of  the Golden Gate Shrine

There once lived a man that maintained a small shrine upon a hill in favor for one of his most respected gods.  Everyday he would pray at the shrine and always left a small offering of fruit or incense upon its stone steps. The shrine always smelt of burnt sandlewood and fresh dragonfruit. One day, while praying at the shrine, the man was visited by a spirit that offered him the gift of being able to grant others wishes by plucking a single hair from his own head. The only condition however, was the man must be kind to all that came to seek his aid and power. All ready kind and a honest man with no need of materiel possessions, accepted the offer so that he may help those in in desperate need. He spread the word around his small village about his new found power, but many ignored his ramblings and called them off as crazy rants of a madman that lived alone up at the shrine. Not long after, a father traveled to the village seeking a cure for his dying son. Some skeptical villagers told the father of the madman that lived at the shrine, seemingly in jest, however the desperate father visited the man none the less. Once he reached the shrine, he asked the man if he could grant his wish of the recovery of his sick son. The man was more then willing to to help the desperate father and plucked a hair from his head, granting the fathers wish. The father, skeptical however, returned to his son, to find him well and healthy. The father, delighted about this amazing power, started to rant about the man that lived at the shrine to all who listened. Not long after, people flocked from all over the land to visit this miracle worker. As people came, the man granted their wishes, no matter how petty or selfish as he was cursed with his kindness. Many wished for wealth, while others wished for curses upon love rivals. As people came and left, the man granted their wishes. After a few months of constant granting, the man was soon void of any hair upon his head. Outraged, the mob of wishseekers stoned the man to death upon the shrine steps. The man died horribly bloody and agonizingly, crying out for help to the thousands of onlookers. His lifeless body was left to rot in shame upon the steps, never to receive a proper burial. Some say the mans body disappeared a few days after his death, his spirit so saddened by his own murder by his followers that it became twisted into a horrific monster that stalks the shrine upon the hill, awaiting foolish or brave wishseekers still searching for his power. Many years later the shrine was re-purposed to honor the mans spirit, in hopes to calm his tortured soul. Legend say that if you visit the shrine and offer fruit, incense or money, his monstrous spirit will present itself to you. He can hear his arrival by the clinking of the hollow gold hairs along his back. He will offer to grant your wish, if you are pure of heart and are kind, he will grant the wish and leave you in peace. However if you are greedy or selfish, the monster will twist your wish into a horrible nightmare.