
Amani Khatun Adessi

Following the sudden death of his father, Amani is drawn into a previously unknown world of magic whereupon he becomes ward to an expansive collection of exceptional artifacts.



" The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. "

— Winston S. Churchill


Louis Adessi is left a widower at a young age leaving him alone to care for an infant son and take sole ownership of the museum he had previously co-owned with his wife. He often traveled far from home, leaving little Amani in the care of the museum’s current curator. Raised around artifacts, Amani grew to love all things historical, eventually becoming an apprentice in archeology. For several years Amani travelled across the globe with a team of historians to uncover lost relics and learn more about unknown subjects; unfortunately having to cut his apprenticeship short when the news of his fathers passing was broken.

Returning home after so long was bittersweet, even more so now that Amani had to go through his fathers belongings and take ownership of the museum. The first few nights were quiet, rifling through journals and envelopes hidden in a wall safe - one of which contained a strange necklace with a leather cord that even Amani couldn't place. The necklace was set aside and soon forgotten about due to the task at hand. After several hours of tedious examination, and many hours later, just as Amani is about to clean up for the night, he spots the necklace once more- this time is different, this time the necklace sings a siren song. Without thinking, he pockets the jewlery; then, like a magnet, he’s off- following the tug in his mind to the very depths of the museum. Storage for upcoming showings, very rarely did he step foot in this area as there were far too many precious valuables out in the open. The necklace leads him to a vault door he had certainly never seen before, in fact he was certain the room wasn't on any of the blueprints, having just gone over them that morning…


  • Cold Weather
  • Antiques
  • Reading
  • Learning
  • Clutter
  • Gore
  • Sailing
  • Insects
  • Downtime
  • Domicrosse

Introvert Extrovert
Friendly Challenging
Curious Cautious
Nervous Confident
Disciplined Carefree



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Praesent vehicula, dolor eget tempus semper, urna est malesuada eros, a placerat risus magna a erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Praesent vehicula, dolor eget tempus semper, urna est malesuada eros, a placerat risus magna a erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


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