Limeade's Comments

What would you be looking for for this kiddo? (USD worth? :3)

I have no idea 😭😭😭🙏🙏, I got them as a gift from my friend but idk how much usd they were sold for or even if they were sold for usd originally 

Looking below it was traded and didn’t have any money value I don’t think, so what are you offering money wise cuz I have no idea the value 

Totally fair! I'm so bad a pricing things so I'm sorry if this seems low-bally?

Would you consider $15 for this kiddo and:
(If you like anyone in here I could add one as well ^^

Just talked to my friend and limeade dosent habe any money value so I can’t take money for them! Sorry and I didn’t see anyone in trades so sorry!

and the other dude I’m waiting to hear from someone else for him 🙏 ill let you know if there offer dosent go through 

Ah! Okay totally fair ^^ Sure just lmk if it falls through :3

I would consider trading from these folders as well if you see someone that catches your eye:

(Only one I for sure won't do is the woofer ^^;;)

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I could do 2? 

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Done! Sending soon

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ill transfer them over then :"D!!