


3 years, 4 months ago


Note: this is set in the Minecraft universe. I've developed my own story around it (6+ years in the making). Although the physics works more like in the real world than it does in Minecraft. The world is known as Minecraftia. Notch is the "God" and Herobrine is the "Satan" of this world, although neither play much of any part in my story. This world and my story works much like it does in the game, so it is assumed however Minecraft works, this world works. Literally the only difference is the floating blocks "Minecraft physics" does not occur in this world. 

Name: Lilbee

Nicknames: Bee

Age: 21

Gender: female

Species: Player; Minecraft person (different from villagers)

Status: reanimated by the Totem of Undying - considered undead, but is just as a living person. 

Personality (beginning of story): no-shit kind of person, a real stick-in-the-mud in the beginning of her story, doesn't really loosen up for a while, takes life very seriously, kind of on the weaker side, doesn't really stick up for herself too much, somewhat cowardly and fearful, very kind and gentle, too much so for her own good as she sadly learns, and is considered a push-over, has a deep love for animals, which stays throughout her story, and often feels bad about having to kill animals for food, would never under any circumstances kill a rabbit, she is determined and ambitious, and often takes actions without thinking of the consequences beforehand. 

Personality (end of story): has really loosened up matured through the years, has learned to not take life so seriously and have fun once in a while (I suppose dying and coming back to life will do that to ya), less of a push-over and has gained confidence and strength, doesn't take shit from others anymore, still has a strong love for animals and would still never kill a rabbit (especially not because if George found out she'd be screwed), has learned a lot from her adventures both with and without Jake and George and the others she's met along the way and doesn't take anything for granted these days anymore. 

Backstory: (coming soon)

More notes: story can be found in the literature section which I will update every so often as I write it.