Quarry LeQuinn



3 years, 5 months ago


Nickname(s): Quarry, (insert unneccesary verbose way of defining the word quarry), Shithead Holotape Brain Asshole (not really)
Age: ??? [Doesn't matter to him. Has been functional since well before the war, but has only been sentient for a fraction of that.]
Height: Dependant on body, check physical traits for notes.
Gender: Male [He/They/It]
Orientation: help. [Iamvanosexual?]

Species: Protectron / Synth / Gutsy / Holotape [< The brain, which can be swapped between bodies]

Physical Traits (Protectron): Has a slightly modified chassis for improved motor function and flexibility. Somewhat faster than a normal unit, and has functional hands. Admittedly, they still look like nubby prize claws, but they can actually flex somewhat. It's still hard to hold a sword :(
Scratched out his paintjob to the best of his ability- even if he's built off law enforcement protocols, he doesn't consider himself law enforcement in the slighest, and doesn't want to mistaken for some kind of robot cop.
Physical Traits (Synth): Is custom-built. Has longer-than-average legs and is missing a nose and several patches of false skin. Not 100% Institute scrap, also has parts from assaultrons and other common robots. Mostly Gen2 synth parts. Only has one eye, the other socket is empty and does not emote. Stands at roughly 7'0".
Physical Traits (Gutsy): Considerably good condition, for a junkyard Gutsy! Can't really be wrapped up like his other bodies, which makes him feel less like himself. Missing an arm, and uses that space to carry his sword.
Side eyes don't emote much, really only uses the center eye for looking around, even though they're all functional.

Personality: Combat hungry and hellbent on emerging victorious, Quarry has been carefully building his identity from the time he was an inconspicuous law enforcement Protectron. Happened to power on several decades after the bomb fell, and ended up learning how to fix himself up and wield weapons with some degree of success. Enjoys jeering the Institute and daring them to come after him- LeQuinn is an alias lifted from a Courser who believed him to be a runaway in hiding, and he's been chasing that high ever since. Would very much like to be of the same caliber as the Mysterious Stranger, and enjoys going unseen through public places.
Met Pluto fairly recently, and has since been able to upgrade to a portable brain that can be used to power up a selection of his own bodies, or hijack others (though this isn't always successful). Thinks it would be fun to play detective for a day. Not interested in Pluto's little nerd crush, definitely.
Source Media (if applicable): Fallout 4 OC

Strengths: Technically immortal. Rather clever, and not opposed to conning others into doing what he wants. Good with a sword.
Weaknesses: Morality has eroded severely, and his lingering protocols make him hostile towards anyone using firearms. Bad at playing nice, and refuses to acknowledge people's feelings unless he wants something from them. Not a good friend to have.
Likes: Swords, stun guns, and brute force. Mysteries. Any endeavor that sounds like a death wish.
Dislikes: Pluto. Loud noises and slow movements. Fire.

Content Level: SFW?
Warnings: Violence


Pluto McKraken - Acts as if he has zero interest in Pluto, and yet sticks around to ensure his general safety, anyway. Claims to be utterly disinterested in whatever medical mystery is plaguing him, but modified his tracking chip so he can always be found. Their relationship is strained, and probably not the healthiest, but they do genuinely care, even when they act like they don't.

Canned Laughter - Feels a sense of kinship, both because they are robots in considerable disrepair as well as generally untrustworthy secretive bastards. While they don't interact much, they speak highly of each other to their peers. 

Bas - He is not often intimidated by foolhardy, reckless muscleheads. He has taken out plenty. So why does this one in particular give him pause? Interacting with Bas feels like taunting a bull- if the bull was heavily irradiated, and could wield a rocket-powered sledgehammer, and was also likely strung out on Psycho. Avoid if possible, and know when to stop waving the red flag, if not.