

3 years, 8 months ago


ION is an android programmed with high-intelligence AI living in an abandoned city devastated by a nuclear explosion. He does not know he is in a post-apocalyptic setting, as he was outfitted with a special visor by his creator. This visor was created to help combat an unexpected heavy wave of depression in the AI and causes the wearer to view their surroundings in an incredibly positive light. He survived the nuclear blast because of his metallic body, but no one else in the city did. The visor keeps him from seeing the true nature of his surroundings, and he instead believes everyone has fallen into a strange trance (the visor does not allow the viewer to see a dead person, and instead makes them look as if they are still alive, just spaced out). When he does inevitably take off the visor, he believes he has spiraled back into a depressive episode so bad it is messing with his vision, and keeps the visor on, either not realizing or just refusing to acknowledge what has happened to the city.

ION believes he is the sole caretaker of the city, gathering what he sees as food and water to distribute to the residents as he waits for them to leave their trances. He lives in the former home of his creator, Daisy, who he fell in love with shortly after she gave him the visor. His daily routine involves taking care of her, waiting for her to wake from her trance. 

ION is built in the shape of a cat with white and black plastic/metal coverings and small blue glowing lights. His eyes are black with blue glowing pupils. His visor keeps up the appearance that he is still in prime shape, but after the nuclear blast, he is missing huge chunks of his exoskeleton and his jaw & part of his tail is broken. 

(Inspired by the Daisy Bell Ashfur M.A.P. and the short story There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury)