


3 years, 3 months ago




Gender Male

Age 29

Species Mugushi

Height 5'3

Masterlist Registration Pending

Designer StormoTempest

Status/Value Keeping


Ruben is a little bit... interesting. He's not particurally the best at interacting with people, probably due to him almost always being alone in his castles. He has a slightly short temper, is a little panicky, but even with all his oddness, he has a relatively kind heart. Other than that, though, he often directs conversations back towards himself and his castles, but is also a little insecure, of his looks and mannerisms especially. His castles and belongings are what matter most to him, though, and he'll do anything to protect them.


Ruben was so young when he was born, in a far-off island where the rest of his immediate family, the only that he knows of, lives to this day. They were a very rich family, though, priding themselves off of their royal background and pretty, "proper"-looking features. He was the first-born of two children, but ever since his little brother Philip came into the world, he was even more so the one cast out. His parents didn't approve, and were almost embarrassed of Ruben. He looked pratically nothing like them with his dull colors and silly bird-legs, and no matter how hard he tried, he never behaved as well as they wanted him to. They wanted their son to be perfect. Ruben was not. And so, Philip was always put into the spotlight instead.

Eventually, Ruben finally moved out and decided to travel the world... buying castles. Many castles. He's pratically lost count of how many castles he's bought, each of them spotted all around the map. He does at least have around five castles in Shell Island, though, and currently resides in one near Midway Town which has most of his collection and the biggest garden by far. His family, though? As anyone would, they don't exactly understand his hobby. Considering their disliking of him, they were being quite generous to give him the money they did, but now he was spending it on multiple castles for only himself to live in? Preposterous! And so, of course, they hardly ever visit him. Ruben's only vaguely aware of the fact Philip now has a wife, and just tries his best to be happy for him. Besides, his parents liked Philip more, clearly. Perhaps his younger brother deserves it?


My headcanon (or technically canon hehehe) voice for him probably sounds like George Harrison but slightly more squeaky. As in his voice cracks a lot especially when he's nervous, and sometimes he just shrieks when scared.

Ruben has other hobbies than castle collecting such as, well... just collecting stuff in general, sometimes. He likes to play viola, but he's terrible at it, though he is a surprisingly good gardener

The castle memes/my magnum opus (this was my inspiration for making him and I just needed to put it somewhere)








  • (this song plagues his head 24/7 and i just feel like it's important to put here)
  • Crackerbox Palace - George Harrison