


3 years, 4 months ago


Though he hails from a tribe of devoted mercic-Rho, Tannic is an unwelcome soul in any of the aquatic territories that know his name. following the ecological collapse and starvation facing his tribe, the once-amicable Rho acquired a taste for the flesh of his own kind, and after a heinous string of murders, was eventually caught and tried. His sentence saw to it that upon his release a hefty bounty be placed upon his head so that he may be hunted as his victims were. To evade this, Tannic did what none expected. Giving up all prestige and training, he fled to land and abandoned a life in the saltwater. For years now, he has travelled in search of a place that does not know him, a shoreline or lake which may house him and allow him the pleasure of luring poor fools to their demise.  He struggles with suppressing his cravings and the guilt of the kill, but bends all too easily to desire. 

he inhabits sunken temple grounds to devour explorers and the fish they provide, when he's not out in the reeds 

Themes: The Angry River (The Hat ft. father John Misty) // Blue Inside Blue 1 (Taishi) // Pathway (Kevin Penkin) // Lost Civilizations (Guillaume David) // Doortem Pt1 + pt2 (monument valley 2 ost)  // Greyscale colour (monument valley 2 ost) // Tethered Bones (Talos) // Top Toes (Half Alive) // Sealed Letters (August Wilhelmsson) //  Le château abandonné (Guilhem Desq) // Cicatrices (Guilhem Desq) //  Imperfect (ILusMin) // In Love with Human Beings (Fingerspit) // Beneath the Brine (The Family Crest) // Until it Dies (Link Click OST)