#3373 Fell



3 years, 5 months ago



chibi by gardensprouts . painting by shapetales
#3373 fell

masterlist . gp tracker . aesthetic

there are 105 active mines in the boreal forests of Canada, and countless old ones abandoned, the polluted remains of nature left to attempt regrowth. relentless and greedy, the humans set out to open a 106th mine within the nortern territories, only to come face to face with a mischievous esk - and his newly created partner in crime.

in the peaceful time since, Fell has gone through changes of mind, heart, and body, and now acts the solemn, malencholy guardian of this patch of woodland, with his enchanted birds keeping watch over all its inhabitants. you'd best step lightly.

not available as a creator
can be depicted in artwork, writing, and interactions

Species esk
origin abnormal traveler
nature melancholy
boundary decimated forest
size formidable

  • his first form was bird-like, a handful in size, but he's now grown to the size of a moose, though more bear-like in shape
  • scraggly spruce branches make up his spindly hind legs
  • his fairy circle of amanita mushrooms over his neck glow white with bioluminescence
  • the mess of twigs and moss in his tail are the remnants of his original form
  • his merl of rusty blackbirds sing their enchantment of shrill cries to warn off danger



regrowing forest

once a thriving nesting area for rusty blackbirds and home to many more of Canada’s wildlife species, this particular patch of coniferous forest and muskeg had been torn down and destroyed by humans in the search of the riches that lay below. but in the years since they’d been driven out, the biome has shown its resilience and managed to start growing back - new tree growth, ferns and mosses, wildflowers, and fungi blossoming from the mire. the animals are returning, too, knowing they’re being watched over by a benevolent spirit, and it’s become a favoured hiking area for any who don’t seek to harm it.


blackbird nest

Ikkit had watched the lumbering humans tear their way into his biome and felt excitement ruffle his ferns - when playthings dare to enter his territory, they become free game for his pranks and tricks. for the fun of it, he transformed a blackbird nest he saw being knocked from its tree, hoping for added chaos, a partner to tag-team the intruders, or even just an audience to appreciate his mischief. the next weeks were spent running the humans amuck until they finally gave up the mining site as a lost cause. his entertainment over, Ikkit promptly left his newest creation behind, lonely and sorrowful, to watch over his decimated forest.

but years pass, and as his boundary changes, so does Fell - with his sneaky, watchful form no longer necessary, he grows to a formidable, bear-like shape, his wings moult to just patches of feathers, and his back sprouts with the flora he's now finally surrounded by.


wistful, protective

just as the forest is still scarred from its past, with rotting trees strewn horizontally and deep tire tracks gorged into the earth, Fell will always be affected by the events surrounding his transformation. he’s viciously overprotective, sending his enchanted birds to scare off campers at the slightest provocation, and will never be free from the melancholy, grieving pit deep in his being, even so long after the damage has been covered by new growth. he walks his boundary like a guard dog.

but he is also kind and empathetic, despite the purpose he was created for. if he’s able to help a fallen fledgling, he’ll do so without a second thought. he spreads seeds and supports weak saplings and takes care where he places his massive paws, fervent in his desire to see the home heal. however, he also understands the circle of life, and would prefer to let nature take back the lost than transform them without consent.

though he’s only young, Fell feels as old as the trees he was made from despite having no memories from his original form. he’s used to being isolated and tends to be awkward and quiet around esk he meets - there are very few who reside in his patch of the forest, and his main source of conversation are his familiars. he’s wary of trespassers, though is accepting as long as they’re kind to the environment, and welcomes any who bring joy or growth to the area.

his nature features were once just broken sticks and dry sphagnum, but they’ve grown into a spruce sapling and a stump coated in moss. his circle of luminescent amanita, known for growing from dead tree roots, link back to his mournful past while lighting the way for the future.

the swarm of rusty blackbirds have always been his companions. they don’t speak in a language you know, but Fell understands them.

when he was younger and his forest still lifeless, he spent the majority of his time within the Conservatory - so deep in such expansive forest biome wings that he rarely saw another spirit. he doesn’t need to hide there anymore, but he does visit often.


transformed to be little more than a toy, Fell has little love for the forest biome wanderer who created him. he hasn't even seen the esk since they'd finished chasing off the humans, and honestly, Fell would prefer to keep it that way. he doesn't mind being a spirit now that his home is regrowing, but he no longer has any patience for rude, bossy Ikkit.


it’s rare that Fell comes across other esk, but this little bundle of joy appeared one day at the edge of his boundary. their presence makes the regrowing woods feel less lonely, and Fell doesn’t mind their company at all.