Tazul Nadahr



3 years, 5 months ago



Tazul is a former Jedi-Padawan who turned away from the order and their teachings after being left for dead by his former Master.He's Half Mirialan and Half Chiss, but his mixed species show different than it does in others, resulting in him having different coloured patches of skin and one different coloured eye. He usually tried to cover up every little bit of it, including his face so he wears his mask.

  • Easy to anger
  • Sarcastic
  • flirty
  • Cold
  • Training
  • Clubs
  • Animals
  • Getting compliments

Tazul Nadahr, he's a former Padawan of Riniaf. During a battle, she left him to die not knowing if he was already dead. She just didn't want to waste time on checking if she could save him and accepted his death instead because she told herself she could not get attatched to him and cause trouble with it. He was alive when she left him. He found out about this and was just overtaken by his anger and hatred.

The person who was supposed to care for him just left him there to die, not even TRYING to help him. His anger kept him alive during the times and all he wants to do is take revenge.After he was left for dead he was picked up by slavers and lived as such before escaping. He has grown a strong dislike towards slavery and slavery of any kind and frees slaves if he comes across them.

He eventually kills a pirate who had multiple animals in his ship to illegally sell them. Tazul freed the sickly animals and decided to take care of them. This included a a Charhound,a Vornskr and a Wyrwulf pup that he adopted. After Order 66 his one goal in life, getting revenge on his former master, was taken from him as she dies during the attack of the clones. He felt lost for a while and decided to just roam around for a while.

  • He speaks in a low and cold tone for most of the time. No matter if he's being sarcastic or flirty his tone usually stays the same.
  • While he is extremely skilled with his saber, his best fighting skill is hand-to-hand combat
  • He has a huge distaste for any type of slavery and will free any slaves he comes across
  • He is extremely morally grey
  • After being insulted my his former Master for nearly everything he did, he has always felt insecure about himself but he'd never say that or admit to it
  • He does like sleeping around and quick flirts with people, it raises his ego and he uses it to prove himself that his former Master was wrong about his apperance
  • To be added

Tivu Ruvil

Tazul and Tivu used to be best friends during all of their childhood but now stand on opposite sides. They both do not want to hurt eachother but have no other way.


To be added

To be added
To be added


Riniaf Polaar

Tazul despises Riniaf with every cell in his body. He hates her for what she did to him and sees her as the cause for all his misery.

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