


7 years, 21 days ago


-- extroverted · cocky · sarcastic --

»Species: Folded eared cat with wings (could be part dog too)»Designer: wqlf»Likes: Anime, sweatshirts, space, parties, hanging out with friends, movies, video games, girls
»Gender + Pronouns: 
  • Female
  • Uses She/Her pronouns
»Means of Purchase + Date Obtained: »Dislikes: Being alone, super hot weather, silence, insects, running, having a lot of work to do, boys
»Nickname(s): Pup»Status: Forever homed; never uft/s

»Current Value: 300+
»Personality: Extroverted and loud, Puppy's favorite thing is to be around others. She loves being the center of attention and loves meeting new people. She hates being alone and would much rather spend a Friday night just hanging out with friends instead of being alone at home. She can be cocky and sarcastic but in general is pretty nice and friendly. She is very optimistic and tries to never let anything get her down; she always sees the glass as half full rather than half empty. »Appearance/Design Details:
  • She has fluffy hair that goes down to her chin, but is a little longer in the back
  • She has floppy brown ears that are a darker brown towards the tips
  • She has wings that are an unblended gradient from yellow to orange to pink
  • In anthro, she wears a pinkish gray hoodie with darker sleeves, and purple stars
  • In both anthro and feral she wears a dark gray collar

  • She loves making jokes and never misses an opportunity to make them
  • She has lots of friends, but only a couple of super close friends
  • She loves old video games and her favorite console is the GameCube
  • She loves older anime, especially from the '80's and '90's
  • Despite loving sleep, she also loves to get up early to watch sunrises
  • If not out doing something, she spends 90% of her time browsing the internet