Ambrosia Glendellmeyer



Doctor Glendellmeyer


  •  Name   Ambrosia Glendellmeyer 
  •  Age   ??? 
  •  Pronouns   She/her
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"Right, then. Drink this and make sure your wounds don't touch anything you wouldn't want in your mouth ... actually, don't let them touch anything at all- 'cept for the bandages."


Ambrosia is best described as... strange. If you're neither regularly injured, the local blacksmith, nor a small, mythical creature who stops by every so often, chances are you'll barely see her. If someone were to ask Ambrosia her name, she may respond with Dr. Glen, Dr. Meyer, or even Dr. Ambrose... whichever tickled her fancy at the moment. Chances are, it's caused a bit of confusion among her patients. She can be a tad erratic, every so often, she'll wander into the woods at the dead of night for something-or-other, accompanied by the soft jingle of bells. 

She's got a bad habit of panicking and lying through her teeth when it comes to her species and abilities as a doctor, but such things must be done to be accepted in a place you very much don't belong.


Ambrosia most often dresses in flat colors, such as black and white, the former more often than the latter. While she does have a taste for embroidery and finer clothing, her occupation tends to limit her wardrobe to a formal white shirt, two black shirts and pairs of pants, a stained apron, faded brown boots, a hat, and two black overcoats for winter. She has a single, plain dress for emergencies, but rarely wears it.

If she has spare coin, Glendellmeyer may indulge in a shiny trinket or two, a brooch, a ring. Chances are, you won't see her face.

  •  Species   Siren/Fae Folk 
  •  Residence   A small village down yonder 
  •  Job   "Doctor" 
  •  Sexuality   Hmm 
  • ● If Ambrosia happens to run out of a plant or herb she needs, she might harvest some from her neighbors' gardens late at night.
  • ● Both of Ambrosia's parents, fae and siren, were curious souls pretending to be humans in a human kingdom. They fooled one another and gave way to Ambrosia, equally inhuman.
  • ● Social anxiety? Absolutely.
  • ● Ambrosia invites jesties, small fae spirits that manifest when they possess bells, into her home. In exchange for small payments in grain, sugar, and similar items, they're fully willing to help with small chores.
  • ● Ambrosia was made to fit into Housemeat's fantasy universe, Nnlia!
  • Jesties/Jingle folk
  • Bells
  • Basket weaving
  • Drying herbs
  • Gardening
  • Alchemy/potion-making
  • Nosy people
  • Weird stains
  • Accusatory tones
  • Pest control
  • Crowded areas
  • Personal questions


Ambrosia, though nonhuman, lives on the outskirts of a human village that is less tolerant of magical presences such as her own. The villagers, of course, are unaware of her heritage, as she poses as a human. Eccentric as she is, she is also the only "doctor" for miles, so even if the villagers grew suspicious of her, they wouldn't banish the fool responsible for keeping them alive for this long. She's oddly charismatic, and to her potential patients, Ambrosia may as well be the epitome of professional. Quick to inquire about symptoms and prescribe "medicine" that eases pain and closes deep wounds in a matter of days. Of course, it's not the medicine accepted by humans. In fact, Ambrosia doesn't actually have the education to be considered a proper doctor.  The most she knows is how to set a broken bone back into place. She specializes in potions, and those potions target physical damage. With all the charisma of a siren, she calls her potions "medicine," and the villagers believe her. 

Even with the trustworthy name she's made for herself, Dr. Glendellmeyer is largely reclusive, preferring to keep to herself and the small businesses she frequents. It's not unusual to find her commissioning bells at the blacksmith's, but it is far more likely she'll be in her cottage. The villagers know to find her there, and she has something of a "no leisure visits" policy. (She'll kick you out if you can't name physical symptoms.)



Quoth✥ A good friend that stops by every so often. Despite Quoth's status as a minor demon of misfortune, Ambrosia rather enjoys her visits, and she makes the jesties quite happy. More... experienced company is always appreciated, even if speechless.

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Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

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