


3 years, 5 months ago


Sweetheart Soldier

  • Name Kyupipi
  • Age Keronian Adult
  • Gender Genderfluid (he/she/they/them)
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"Just because I'm cute, doesn't mean I can't fight back."


Kyupipi is definitely someone that a person would use as a definition for a hopeless romantic. They tend to fall in love with whoever comes across them as shares a shred of kindness, be it from keeping the elevator door open, giving them a smile after handing them a coffee, or making small chit-chat with them. When they're not falling in love easily they tend to be a hardworking soldier with big aspirations to run a mission on their own one day. They tend to be very lax when superiors come to order them around, but they are determined to bring the mission to a success.


Kyupipi is a pale pink Keronian with a white 'tadpole' face, large almond shapped eyes with thin irises and red heart shapped pupils. They have giant red circles on thier cheeks and drawn-on light pink hearts on thier stomach. Kyupipi also has a heart shapped tadpole tail that is the same red as their heart patterened fuzzy ushanka style Keronian hat. They love to wear light pink make-up on thier eyelids and lips, and Kyupipi sports small cherub style wings which are actually holograms that grant them the ability to fly.

Details (click me!)
  • Ethnicity Xian (born on Keron's moon, X)
  • Residence Gerosect (Keron's capital)
  • Job Soldier
  • Sexuality Pansexual (Poly?)
  • ● Rank: Sergeant
  • ● Kyupipi is considered the best sniper on X, ranking number 3 over-all in the Keronian military.
  • ● Flying isn't a hinderance to them in the least, he could fly and land any target.
  • ● Kyupipi likes to model on her freetime and put the pictures on her GalacticGo (social media).
  • ● Kyupipi is also seen using/scrolling through Keron's equivilant of Tindr whenever things are slow.
  • ● ((Kyupipi is a Valentines Cupid Orikero gifted to me by Steampunk! Go check 'em out!))
  • Soap Operas (and Horror movies)
  • Candy
  • The Dragonuv Sniper
  • Romance
  • Yami-Kawaii Fashion
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Cocky Superiors
  • Careless people
  • Heartbreak
  • Judgemental people
  • Pain
  • Low scores (self inflicted)


Kyupipi would describe their earlier life on X to be warm, but very dark and sad.

They had very kind parents, but maybe they were a little too kind. Their parents never wanted to cause trouble, never wanted to stand out or grab attention, so despite wanting to give thier kids everything they would often scold Kyupipi whenever she would try to doll herself up. It took Kyupipi many years to realize that they were free to express themselves however they wanted to since it is thier born given right, they weren't afraid of the stares or looks of surprise whenever they walked out into public. So Kyupipi started to wear all those cute dresses they were refused, they experimented with make-up, and presented themselves the way they wanted to the moment they left home adn joined X's military.

They stood out quite a lot, their cutesy apperance showing through the grey plain uniform they wore in bootcamp. Plenty of higher-ups thought that Kyupipi would be an easy target since they looked so soft, but they would be proven completely wrong in due time. Kyupipi motivated themselves past the harships to not only join among the list as the third best sniper in Keron's military--having fought alongside Lieuteant Garuru himself--but also to look absolutely adorable while they do it.


Sukeke Their rock, their best friend, their roomate, their husband, their everything, the person that motivated them to be who they wanted to be! Sukeke and Kyupipi met when she had just joined X's forces and was forced deployed to Gerosect, Sukeke was already a Lieutenant and put a add listing out for a roommate. Their interesting apperances, love for music, and 'outlandish' modeling gigs brought them closer. They're nearly inseperable.

Ichigo Kyupipi and Ichigo have worked together plenty of times in the past, thanks to Ichigo being the dispatcher for Lieutenant Garuru. As Garuru was leader for the missions it meant that Ichigo got to interact with the rest of the 'platoon' for quality control's sake, but Ichigo and Kyupipi were pretty friendly togeter. Actually, Kyupipi learned to warm-up to the Lieutenant when she would see how the two interacted while they were on a mission. It was surprising to see Garuru be serious one moment then laugh at an inside joke he and his dispatcher shared, it helped Kyupipi understand that--yes--a soldier could be themselves on or off the clock.

Levi Kyupipi adores this little man so much! He's cute, he's funny, he's super energetic, he's literally like a puppy but stuck in a Keronian body. They like to snuggle with him and pat his head when there's nothing to do at the apartment, and she loves to publish music with him when inspiration hits. Of course, given his job he can't go around using his normal name but that's fine with her since the name he came up is hilarious. Kyupipi likes to joke that she 'adopted' Levi but can't help but feel the need to be his parental figure, luckily, Sukeke seems to be on the same boat as well.

Ozzy Son. Kyupipi fell in love with Ozzy the moment she laid eyes on him, though he wasn't a Keronian when they first initially met it didn't matter to her, she wanted to help him. Since being turned into a Keronian tadpole Ozzy has taken the role as her 'second son'.

profile html by Hukiolukio