


7 years, 1 month ago


Full Name - Zephyr Luma 

Age - Mid twenties

Sex - Male

Gender - Male

Orientation - Undecided, probably swings with the gays, tho

Main / First Mount - Icarus the Argentavis

Occupation - Thief / Egg Thief

Physical Description - 

Around 1.75 meters tall, mostly skinny with enough muscle and build to run away from angry dinos, swampy green hair down to his shoulders, light purple eyes, slightly tanned skin and body is covered in random scars (either bites, scratches, all from running away from wild dinos or just angering the wrong person at the wrong time)

Personality and other traits - 
Reckless and most times careless when it comes to his well-being, whenever something bad happens tried to look at the funny side of things, the first one to laugh at himself, has bad memory and some events are just either blocked or completely forgotten, a huge fan of anything with feathers (Specially Argents), creative, daring, vengeful, generally runs from things or flies away, unless one of his birds is in danger or close to him, if that's the case he'll be the first one to jump in the line of danger. He doesn't know how to read or write, but is pretty good with ranged weapons, like bow and arrows, crossbow, shotgun, etc. A bit delusional.