
7 years, 11 days ago



The Uncaring Optimist


Name: Zekrom Called: Zek, Zekrias
Gender: Demigirl (She/Her, They/Them) Age: Adult (equivalent of 26 human years)
Sign: Leo (August 16) MBTI: INTP-A
Height: 1'8" Build: Slim
Demeanor: Sarcastic, blunt Style: Nerdy
Origin: Boston, MA Race: Vaiki
Role: Reshiram's partner and Kyurem's mother, streamer Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


  • Video games
  • Storms
  • Challenges


  • Glasses
  • Heat
  • Vegetables



All her life, Zekrom has had a one-track mind, focused on the things she loves most - Video games, video games, and more video games. For as long as she can remember, from the calmest Animal Crossing to the most intense Dark Souls fights, they've been a part of her life... but of all the games she's played, none have held her in their grasp quite the way Pokémon has. She's made a place for herself streaming the games, and even went so far as to change her name to that of her favorite legendary, Zekrom, who bears a striking resemblance to her.

An eternal optimist, Zekrom sees the glass as half-full... though her behavior may make you think otherwise. Despite her views on the world, Zekrom herself is a somewhat negative person. She means no harm, but tends to be pushy, blunt, and sarcastic, with a tendency to do what she wants with little care for how it may affect others - From forcing her interests onto her child, Kyurem, to simply sending off weak trade fodder over Wonder Trade in hopes of getting something good for nothing, Zekrom has a tendency to inconvenience others and cause trouble even when she doesn't mean to. Not that she typically thinks much of it, even when called out; as far as she's concerned, there's plenty of good in the world, and if others dislike her ways of living, they're welcome to move on to better things.


Coming soon...


  • One of Zekrom's nicknames, Zekrias, comes from Kynim's White Nuzlocke, Myths of Unova, of which Zekrom is a fan. The name comes from this character in particular, a gijinka of her Pokémon namesake.
  • In addition to reading Nuzlocke comics, Zekrom enjoys playing self-imposed challenges like them herself, often streaming them on Twitch - Her favorite of this series of streams was her Nuzlocke of Pokémon Platinum, in which she encountered and captured a shiny Shinx while grinding early on.
  • Zekrom once encountered Rwolo on Wonder Trade, sending him a low-level Wingull with below-average stats and no special moves. He tracked her down on Twitch through her IGN, and, upon seeing she was streaming these bad trades and laughing about them, proceeded to call her out in her chat. She declared it "the funniest thing [she'd] ever seen."
