


3 years, 4 months ago




"My past? Sorry, I don't want to talk about that."

Adventure Rank 56

Adventure Exp 222794/258950

World Level 8

  • FULL NAME: Whit

  • AGE: 24

  • D.O.B: January 26

  • PRONOUNS: he/him

  • REGION: Fontaine


  • VISION: Cryo

  • WEAPON: Polearm

  • SPECIAL DISH: Blueberry crepes

  • STATUS: Active


Whit is a mysterious wanderer who never stays in one place for too long. He is a jack of all trades, often working odd jobs to sustain himself on his travels. He has a special interest in astronomy and other cultures.


Whit comes across as charming but distant. He is easy to get along with and makes fast friends with almost anyone he meets, but he always dodges questions about himself and his past. Because of this, he may come off as suspicious to some.

Character Details

Whit is a mysterious fellow that hails from Fontaine. He travels across Teyvat and has made a myriad of friends along the way. Is he searching for something or running away from his past? No one is sure, as he dodges such questions of his past with ease.

Story 1

Whit has traveled far and wide across Teyvat. He usually stays in the same place for a few months or so before moving on to a new adventure. He is the type to never take charity, instead working for food and board wherever he stays. He has quite the repertoire of skills, varying from cooking to carpentry. He is always eager to lend a helping hand, which makes him well-liked even amongst the more distrustful citizens.

Story 2

Whit may not like to talk about his past, but he is happy to share stories about his adventures or of his homeland of Fontaine. You may find him in a nearby tavern, surrounded by people listening to him speak about his travels over drinks. Whit could have quite the illustrious career as a storyteller.

Story 3

Whit is from the lush countryside of Fontaine. He spent an idyllic childhood there, until one night everything changed.

Late one night, Whit awoke to a house full of smoke. Stumbling out of his room, he found his house was on fire. Desperately, he called for his mother, but the fire prevented him from getting to her room. Then, his mother emerged from the flames surrounded by water. She assured Whit everything would be okay and handed him a wooden music box.

"I'm counting on you to protect this for me," she said, "Inside is everything you need to know."

With that, she created a path to the front door with her Hydro vision. Whit waited outside, watching his house burn down, but his mother never emerged.

Story 4

After the night of the fire, Whit set off on his journey to uncover the truth of what happened to his mother. Since then, he has been traveling Teyvat looking for answers.

Story 5


Music Box

Whit's most valuable possession is a wooden music box given to him by his mother the night of her disappearance. To the unknowing, it appears to be a normal music box that plays a sweet, melodious tune when opened. However, it contains a secret compartment that hides very important documents of his mother's past dealings with the Fatui. It is something the Fatui are desperate to get their hands on.




  • Alcohol
  • Stargazing
  • Traveling
  • Music
  • Cooking


  • Fighting
  • The Fatui
  • Nosy people
  • Staying in one place
  • Talking about his past


  • Astronomy
  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Sparring


  • Whit's mother taught him how to fight from a young age. He is skilled not only with a polearm, but bows and knives as well.
  • Praesent in arcu in nunc vestibulum tristique.
  • Nam eget erat dapibus, ornare turpis in, hendrerit ex.
  • Pellentesque suscipit odio quis neque lacinia, facilisis condimentum nisl mattis.
  • Praesent et augue non ex facilisis pharetra.



"Childe? Well, we have a bit of, um, history, but now I'm not sure whether he's a friend or a foe."





Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.

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