Rak All



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Rak All




9 Feet, 10 Inches


720 Pounds

Eye Color



Mercenary, Chef


Rak All is a Black and White furred minotaur, standing at 9 foot, 10 inches. His blue eyes give off a sense of knowledge, though his body language suggests he's pretty awkward socially.


The minotaur has a much higher intelligence that would be expected from a creature and profession, his vocabulary larger than the average minotaur and his responses more catered to the long term. His social skills are lacking though, leaving Rak All quite confused or flustered during more intimate conversations. This lack of social skills makes it easier for him to lie though, as his more calculating and stony demeanour makes it hard to see anything besides what you want him to see.


The minotaur was born in a clan of his own race, as most of his people are, and raised under the god of Baphomet, lord of minotaurs. Rak' All was born under a "blessed star", he was told, his physical prowess rising him above the ranks of his peers throughout his uneventful young childhood. About the age of a teenager, him and others of his age were to take a "coming of age" ritual, a cerimony meant to recive their soul and purpose in life from their great god. Failure to complete the ritual meant a loss of soul, and most often removal from the clan, which normally resulted in death. One after another, the people before Rak All suceeded the ritual, and his time finally came. 
The minotaur entered the forest near his home, walking along the well made path until he reached a magical looking maze, weaved out of vines and literall walls of trees. Listening to the quiet tugs of his god, he followed through the maze with ease, though the further he went in, the more dead it looked, and a feeling of dread built in his stomach. As he neared the end of the maze, he begun to see the spirits of his ancestors, warning him of something back at home. Fearing the worst, he ran from the destroyed looking challenge, only to be greeted by Baphomet himself, condeming him for leaving the ritual despite what his anestors had warned him. As punishment, he was denied his sould, and forced to be branded on his hand with a demonic symbol, signifying to any minotaur that he was cursed by Baphomet.