Holcene Elwing



3 years, 3 months ago


Holcene Elwing

Gender:  Female

Age:  58 years, 5 months

Breed: Elven Silth

Partner: Ishiri Azter

Personality: Holcene is an independent and strong elven wolf. She is stunning and incredibly smart. She often carries several hidden weapons and has a deadly aim. She is demanding of her followers but would never leave them in a time of danger. She is stubborn when it comes to attack plans, war tactics, and anything regarding the demon race. She is never backed into a corner, in fact, she is constantly 3 steps ahead of anyone, enemy, friend, etc. It takes a superior being to outsmart Holcene. She has a soft spot for those who are persistent to be in her life. She rarely trusts a soul but when she does, she will do anything for you. When Holcene is cut by an enemy, it takes years for the wounds to heal, hence her severed neck. She can only be killed by being stabbed through her heart, any other attack does little to no damage. She is constantly wandering the Elven Realm, hardly traceable, and sometimes will be gone for weeks. She has the ability to use her wings when chosen. Many admire her but not many can get close.

BackStory/Bio:  Holcene was born in the Elven Realm as an only child. Her parents were king and queen of the Silth race but they vanished when she was young and have still never been found. She searches constantly, suspicious of the invading Demon Realm for either abducting or killing her parents. Having no role model, Holcene found it difficult to gather the skills that she would need to take over her parent's place as ruler and soon to become queen once she marries her love interest, Ishiri Ashroth. Holcene found her place as commander, ordering her followers and defeating demons when she was only 20. Being so young, she is often looked upon as a child by her competitors and other races in the Elven Realm. Holcene has a hard time with being looked down upon by those, especially Sivous who rules the Regress race. Multiple times has she been forced to battle their races, Holcene despising this since the goal was to join and sweep the Elven Realm of demons. She met her love interest as he was the co-commander of the Ereth race. They met during a joint battle, the day Holcene's head was severed, the most devere of her injuries. Ishiri and Holcene were on the front lines fighting up against the most intest demon hoard in years. The leader of the demons, Abbadon, caught her off gaurd as she fought a swarm of front line demons, Abbadon swinging from behind and severing her head. Ishiri saw the blow and fought him off in time for Holcene to scramble out of the way from his next attack aiming at her heart. Holcene began falling for Ishiri as they combined forces and were constantly fighting the front lines, clearing out large hoards of invading demons. They commonly live together in the Ereth territory in a small hut built into the hills when they aren't in action. This is looked down upon by the other Silth rulers who require a mate of the same race to marry and take over as king and queen. Holcene and Ishiri plan to unite as an official couple and unionize their races.