


3 years, 4 months ago




Class: Heavy


Born: 07 July, 1935

Orientation: Gay

Class Role: Defense

 Weapons: Tomislav, Shotgun, Bare Fists

Likes: Dad fashion, lie-ins, schlocky space movies, sunsets, the Beach, Coffee, playing the ukelele, spies in suits.

Dislikes:   Yoghurt,  The Administrator, Old photos of himself.

Fears: Dogs, waking up with a bird head after a facial recon surgery, Feeling like he's not needed.


Vasco was born in Quebec, Canada. He's second Generation Samoan.

He’s a big guy with a big heart, and a shady past.  Ran away from a loving, accepting home at 18 and ended up as a card shark-turned cage fighter in Vegas.

In his mid-20's he joined TFI.  As a Heavy, himself and the other members were nonchalant about the respawn system, using it for everything from curing hangovers to travelling across base. When the job ended, he moved to San Francisco with Matt Allard, his teams Engineer. Matt had become reliant on the respawn system, and would often forget that it was no longer active, a red flag that Vasco missed til Matt accidentally killed himself under the delusion that the respawn system was still active. Broken after his husbands death, Vasco went back to work for TFI in his 30's. Half because he doesn't know what else to do and half to try and prevent the same reliance on respawn that Matt had.


He looked very different and sported bad facial scarring when he joined and one of the conditions was that the Medic perform facial reconstruction surgery on him to give him a new face.

He still has scars, but those are deliberate scarification efforts to keep some scars that he didn't want to lose. The rest of  his appearance is designed to be the perfect distraction. It for sure comes off as vanity, but it’s carefully done-  A big guy with a handsome face and a tiddy window in the middle of his chest is the sort of person who draws fire, and that’s the way he wants it.


He's a kind, warm soul, and despite the grizzly details of their work,  he's perfectly happy to be a family member to whoever needs it. He's jovial and easy to get along with.

Vasco focuses on the people, seeing worth in them that their employer doesn't, and his focus is to get the team across the finish line, alive and well.

He's often kinda tired and while well-meaning, has a hard time moving on. His character arc is pretty much him learning to move forward and finding something to live for that isn't just protecting his team. 

Fun Facts:

  • He speaks French and English fluently. Speaks some Samoan and basic Spanish.
  • Missing his left ring-finger from the top knuckle up.
  • When he worked as a Heavy, his favorite weapon was the Tomislav.
  • Good at cards to a worrying degree. Never let him shuffle the deck.