Amai Rossakisse



3 years, 4 months ago



Amai is a bipedal cat with a bubblegum pink pelt. Her short stature, round face, big eyes, and short tail gives her the appearance of a kitten. Her paw pads, gums, tongue, and nose are a baby blue.

Amai is almost never seen without some sort of a smile. She usually conveys her true emotions through her eyes, ears, and eyebrows. Even when absolutely enraged, amai rossakisse will wear a freakishly wide, face splitting grin. She’s physically capable of frowning, but it’s extraordinarily rare for her to do so.


Aside from having a devastating amount of physical strength, Amai has the involuntary ability of being an emote sponge. She (unintentionally) absorbs the negative emotions of everyone within her general vicinity. As a result, everybody will be in a much better mood, but Amai has to carry around these thoughts. She never really stops soaking up everyone’s sadness and anger, so it all builds up behind that bright smile of hers. She’ll progressively get more and more emotionally unstable until she uses her secondary ability.

Luckily, her body converts emotional negativity into a form of destructive plasma. The energy she produces is very versatile as she can use it for 1 of 3 things.

She basically feeds off the misery of others, but in the best way possible!


Amai can manipulate the energy emanating from her body to levitate or fly. She forces it underneath her to rise from the ground similar to a helicopter. Amai can launch herself through the air at an average speed of 586 mph, but can reach a top speed of Mach 4 if she uses all of the energy she has at once.


Amai’s energy can also be forcefully expelled from her body in a destructive manner.

Powerful, streaming energy beams can only be discharged from her mouth. As destructive as they are, they tend to use up a lot of energy. (She rarely does it)

Amai commonly kicks around pressurized balls of plasma that explode on impact. She can make them small as a marble, or with a gargantuan diameter. They levitate in place before she decides to kick/flick the spheres to send them flying.

Energy barrier

A constant output of energy around amai protects her body to some extent. It works much better against blunt force and explosives in comparison to sharp objects. Amai can get ran over by a semi truck and be fine, but can also be wounded by a small blade.

Even though a sharp object is able to penetrate her energy barrier, it can only go as far as her skin before it snaps (often leaving a piece behind).


Amai rossakisse is almost unshakably happy. She’s an outgoing, bubbly, and excitable individual. She’s overall very friendly and has a habit of placing others before herself. She lives to make others laugh and to brighten their day!

Amai can also be painfully naive. She always seems to find the silver lining in everything...even when it’s really not there. She often makes excuses for everybody’s actions, and will always find a reason to love them regardless of what they do.

(In order for amai to acknowledge any sort of ill intent, it will have to walk up to her, and slap her in the face.) She hates conflict, and will try her very best to avoid it.

Amai always seems to be in a light hearted mood, even in the most serious of situations. Though it may seem like she doesn’t take anything serious, she does........most of the time.

She also has a bad habit of not sticking up for herself as she’ll often brush off mistreatment as “playing around” or “a joke”. However, Amai will valiantly defend her friends and loved ones.

Even though she’s very compassionate and sympathetic towards others, Amai can change that very quickly. Despite her usual temperament, she can be capable of cruelty beyond belief. She’s a firm believer in “turning the other cheek”, but she’ll eventually run out of cheeks to turn. Amai will never kill anyone, but there are some things worse than death.

Despite her never ending smile, Amai can clearly convey different emotions on the upper half of her face. Her happy visage is very similar to an angry one. The only difference being the size of her pupils, and how wide her grin spreads across her face.

Overall, Amai is full of laughs and love. She’ll be there for you till the very end, and she can bake some mean peanut butter cookies.