


Despite what her fur might imply Mivun is quite spindly and very lean. her extremities are mostly fluff and chitin and because of this she quite often struggles to lift most heavy things. The wings on her back constantly magically shift to project the stars that she's facing. They are accurate and becomes more prominent on her wings, and even extending past them as she casts more magic. The sclera in her eyes is distinctly black, and occasionally sparkles like the stars in her back. She also wears quite a bit of makeup to add some red into her face, otherwise she would be even more pale than she looks like.

Mivun LastName
Female (She/Her)
Imago (Aasimar)
Fluffy and Lithe
Sweaters and Skirts
Mystic Investigator

Mivun is the child of the stars, said to be the chosen angel born different from the clutch of eggs of the Imago in a far off planet. Her birth coincided with a prophesy how a child that sought the light would be born in the dusky light of a planet of eternal moonlight. She was said to bring about a new age of enlightenment on the travel between space and humanity, and how the stars relate to space. This was her destiny and she was brought up in an observatory, and thought quite rigorously fully understanding the stars and expanding the star charts farther than they could have ever known, because of an innate allure to finding stars and drawing ever closer to them. Yet deep inside she felt this was not her true calling. 

Instead she felt it a passion for music and performance. She felt the draw of the crowd and the smile of peoples faces, the serene trance that she manifested when she played all fed a deeper connection. She eventually formed a band which she called "The Star Chasers", producing and performing live bedroom pop. Her band obtained a notable success and became a rising star in the industry, however the Empire took notice. They sought to increase recruitment among the youth and offered the band a lucrative (and forceful) record deal, for which they would produce propaganda music for them. Mivun flat out refused and was kicked out of the band now having all her work discarded. 

She decided to take this opportunity to try and more about herself and exploring the cosmos that she constantly felt a pull to. Making a flimsy excuse as a research experiment, and receiving funding from the Empire's research fund, she got on her ship and went out to investigate the mysteries of space, and herself, and hopefully make some sick beats along the way.

Energetic Curious Daring Esoteric

  • Music
  • Space Travel
  • Magic
  • Concerts
  • Clubbing
  • Azlanti Empire
  • Sellouts
  • Religious Zelots
  • Intense Nationalism
  • Being alone in the dark
  • Mysticism
  • Piloting
  • Perception
  • Musician
  • Diplomacy
  • Composition
  • Playing Music
  • Busking
  • Dancing
  • Star Mapping

"Reach for the farthest star or risk drifting apart."

Young, bold, and full of life, Mivun is a bright light in shining darkness. From the deepest reaches of far space she's been investigating strange extraplanar events that may be the key to finding more about her ancestry.

Mivun is a bright and bubbly Imagan Aasimar from the planet Koshoria. She possesses a wide variety of skills and knowledge in the mystic and occult to study different extraplanar phenomenon from the dark tapestry. She seeks to see what events or creatures of similar nature exist around the galaxy so that the people back home can better prepare and understand their own. To do this she has the help of a bit of magic and a lifetime of social maneuvering. In the end she hopes to not only help people better find light in their hearts but also find out her very own true nature.

  • ● Her true origin is that of an ancient Moth-Like creature that seeks out and consumes stars as food. Her connections to Desna are a mere coincidence and have served so that Mivun can develop normally.
  • ● Mivun is very attracted to powerful sources of light and has a gnawing feeling that she must devour them.
  • ● She is a big threat to whatever system she's in, her fear is that she will lose control and cause harm.
  • ● She has insecurities because she was unable to convince her old bandmates to dropout of the band and just run away.
  • ● Being far away of the grip of Azlanti space has served her as context for life, however she still feels powerless against the Star Empire.
  • ● She's thankful to her mothers that treated her like a person and not a messenger of desnan divinity.

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Name Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Fusce volutpat vel tortor quis rhoncus.

Name Sed placerat lectus interdum, gravida diam a, pharetra magna.

profile html by Hukiolukio profile idea by BigBreaker