Raziel's Comments

Oh, I love your art style!!

How much would you be willing to do, and be able to get done in 2 weeks?

I was thinking 30$ worth in art

That could be 3 chibis or a sketchpage and a chibi, or anything else that is around that?

Ah, ok! Would a flatcolor halfbody and a chibi work for you?

Yeah totally can do that :>!

Ok, awesome!

Could you do this boy for the halfbody: https://toyhou.se/1416058.crinkle-the-siamese-cat-?key=TqWCrpWtbnf9h1b

And this one for the chibi? https://toyhou.se/801024.noctis?key=QlB6BkNdGty3H5x

8 Replies

Sure, I can trade her!

I love cinderjump ands leroy 👉👈

Would you just take cinderjump?



I'll transfer them now!

You canceled the transfer for cinderjump-

3 Replies