


3 years, 4 months ago


 Astral V. Webb

-Brave, loyal, dreamer-

Had this boy and his BF Zaeroin since 2013. >:)

Astral was once a great Guardian of Econa, holding one of the highest titles a worker of Amaros’ could hold. He held much faith in his god, and had ever since he was alive many centuries ago.

It was during his time alive, when his beloved wife had begun to switch towards worshiping Rakka, and though he had plead with the woman, the rest of his family, they all remained unconvinced of any consequences. And thus, when they had died, and there was no one there to properly sort souls, Amaros had destroyed them in a fit of jealous rage towards his outcast brother. Astral, wanting to remain with his faith and not wishing to believe his god would do anything unjust, he ignored the pain and mourned silently for never getting to see them again.

Going about his duties, ranking up to his highest ranking, Astral had become very proud of his afterlife,  vowing to try and rescue any soul he could, so they may never meet the fate his family had met long ago. And this was why, when Amaros had sent him to help a man named Zaeroin, the ghost was beyond excited. Though...The stubborn nature always seemed quite familiar. As was his red hair. Curious indeed.


At first, their meetings were mostly met with frustration on Astral’s side. What did this man not understand about losing his soul, his life, forever! But, on the other hand, his stories, charming nature, and want to commit to his dream...It drew the ghost further into following him. If he could help him, then--- It would be worth it. Yes, this was all just for Amaros. Not to feel  like he was getting to do something over again. That was all.

Then came the tavern. Zaeroin was looking for a wizard, to help him track and find the amulet. An interesting goal, but it seemed like they were getting absolutely no where with all of this. No where at all! The Guardian offered to help him find somewhere new after one more day. ...Why? Perhaps...curiosity to see this gem for himself. To see someone accomplish something. After all, the man promised he would leave it be. He need not prove himself worthy to his village. It would be fine. Astral would help him.

And then came the wizard woman, Oriana. What a wonderful girl. She was kind, a bit stubborn like Zaeroin, and wanting to rank up into a higher power in her studies. Fire she said. Something that always interested  her. Astral said he would love to see her achieve that.

Friends. He truly had friends. The people of Econa respected him, sure, be he never felt this close.

That is why, when their journey finally led them to the amulet, he was devastated. Zaeroin could no longer reach Econa, as the amulet had bound itself to him. And Oriana….She was gone. Taken away by that blasted magic. It wasn’t fair.

And though the ghost tried to reason with Amaros. He stated he had done all he could do, but the Econa god was furious. He, in the end, had encouraged and helped Zaeroin worship Incuro, furthered his goals.

And  thus the ghost was kicked from Econa. Stripped of his titled and abandoned  from the lands. He was lucky to have not been killed outright, but it still hurt.

At least...In the end, Astral was able to stay with Zaeroin. ...His faith meant nothing anymore. No. Not with injustice like that.


- Astral is terrified of entering another afterlife. He’s unsure if he’d ever be accepted in one. He’s devastated to have lost Zaeroin, and is completely torn between Cabibera and Talimoa.

- Often wonders if he could’ve done differently. Or if he should’ve. Surely, everything happens for a reason, right?