Galaxia's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Memoca Global Rules

By owning a design created by me, user Memoca ("the Designer"), you ("the Owner") affirm to have read and agree to be legally bound by the following Terms of Use listed below.
Failure to abide by the Terms of Use may result in a blacklist and/ or a public service announcement. Please be aware that most if not all of my designs are made using Gaia, a character creator. If the current owner does not disclose this, but a Gaia sprite sheet is still present (either in the form of 6 chibi fullbody views of the character or a pixel-style chibi fullbody) then it's still a Gaia design. When in doubt, please feel free to send me a message.

Please note that Terms of Use may be subject to change without prior notice.
These Terms of Use are in effect and up to date as of MONTH 05, 2024.

These Terms of Use only apply upon the Owner's new ownership of a design.
Any changes made to the Terms of Use after an Owner has claimed ownership to a design will not apply to said design.

  1. The Owner may make both major and minor edits to the design/ redesigns.
  2. The Owner may regift the design.
  3. The Owner may retrade the design only if the design was obtained via trade and/ or sale.
    1. If the Owner obtained the design as a gift/ for free, the design cannot be retraded unless additional value (i.e. trades, commissions, personal art) has been added to the character's gallery. This includes "freebie swaps."
      1. Free/ Gifted art (i.e. art received in which the Owner did not give anything in exchange) does not count as additional value.
  4. The Owner may resell the design for the same price as bought.
    1. The Owner may not resell the design for a higher price than bought unless additional value (i.e. trades, commissions, personal art) has been added to the character's gallery. If the design still uses Gaia assets, resale is not allowed.
      1. Free/ Gifted art (i.e. art received in which the Owner did not give anything in exchange) does not count as additional value.
  5. The Owner may use the design for personal/ non-commerical use.
  6. The Owner may use the design for commercial use only if discussed with the Designer beforehand and if the design does not use Gaia assets anymore.
  7. The Owner may not claim the original design as their own.
  8. The Owner may not claim the original artwork or sprite as their own.
  9. The Owner may make both major and minor edits to the original artwork or sprite.
  10. If uploading the original artwork or sprite off-site, credit to the Designer (Memoca) (and Gaia if it's a Gaia sprite) must be provided.
  11. The Owner may not generate AI content or NFTs of the character.
  12. The Designer only claims ownership of the original design concept/ execution. The Designer does not claim ownership to any redesigns and/ or the character/ associated character of the design.
  13. The Designer acknowledges that once a design is owned by the Owner, the design/ character no longer belongs to the Designer.
    1. The Designer may not "claim back" a design.
    2. The Designer may offer to trade and/ or buy the design back, to which the Owner maintains the right to refuse, with or without explanation.