


3 years, 4 months ago
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Energetic. Caring. Determined.
Name Diexlle
Nicknames Retro, Dexi
Age 19
Height 4"1
Occupation DJ , part-time coder
Sexuality Pansexual
Theme Song link
Designer @MonenTheArtist
Dexi is quite the gal! Despite her small size of almost being 3ft, she's quite old for her age and is almost 20 as well! She has a big love for music and games, especially coding as dexi often spends her time coding to now become a part-time coder in qute a large coding business for games! Her co workers often gaping wide at the high quality and almost perfect games that quickly become popular when they're released to the public! Though because of her small self, dexi is often looked down upon and never given actual credit for being the coder behind the games, character designs, and the music! Which dexi often gets upset at as she wishes to be recongized for her coding talent and so dexi has also taken on the job of being a DJ, being a lover of music and almost fascinating way to feel the beat of music, dexi is a local DJ at night, being quite popular among clubs and parties where she's hired at! Though with all of this, dexi can be quite energetic at times and often needs to find herself doing at least something to keep her mind busy, while also with this, dexi unfortunantely is an insominac because of how she's gotten accustomed to staying up so late, often not able to fall asleep when she wants to which leads to dexi being quite tired after days without proper sleep. Though because of her small size dexi is also made fun of, but it's best not to underestimate her as if dexi does get a temper, she's been known to take down a grown man once! Purely because dexi has studied martial arts and more when she was younger in age but despite all this, dexi is overall just a fun and loving gal.