Somniphobia WiP



3 years, 5 months ago



Name: Somniphobia 

Nickname(s): "SD", Somni, Stumbles

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him 

Sexuality: Straight

Age: Adult, but is younger than he looks. 

Height: 6'1"

Species: Dog

Theme Song: I'd Rather Sleep - Kero Kero Bonito

Personality: Listless. Apathetic. Cowardly. Somni lets things happen to him without ever uttering a single complaint. Trudges through life slowly and silently. Of course, all of this can be attributed to his sleep deprivation, caused by the [REDACTED]. Before he was chosen to watch over the beast, he was a lot more active. More willing to talk back. More willing to fight. He took shit from no one, and was as immovable as a mountain. His barking laugh would make anyone jump. But then he was assigned to the most powerful creature The Facility had ever captured, and all of that changed. He started getting less and less sleep. He lost his confidence. Somni became jumpy, more prone to spooking. Then-Somni did try to fight it, but it was no use. The [REDACTED] has him in its grip. And one day, it'll kill him without even touching him.

Abilities: Somniphobia was always prominent with magic relating to the earth. He could sift through dirt without ever getting his paws dirty. He knew exactly how healthy a plot of soil was, and how to fix it if it wasn't. He could grow just about anything, gifted with a natural green thumb. He once thought that his fine connection with nature might help him live a long and healthy life... how foolish of him. Oh, isn't that magic so useful to him now, trapped inside these concrete walls. What a joke.


Family: If he even had any family to begin with, he sure doesn't talk about them now.

Relationships (The Facility):

[REDACTED]: The bane of Somni's existence.



"One of the scientists responsible for extracting the specimens from their containment tubes. Scrappy would have no choice but to watch as this lumbering canine trudged up to one of the tubes, lift a lazy arm to add the sedative to the liquid, and just stare at Scrappy or whatever other poor soul he was removing as they quickly drifted out of consciousness. What makes him different in particular is that he just looked so damn tired all the time. Scrappy has a fantasy that, if he ever catches the dog out in the open, he'd be much easier to kill than any of the other scientists."

"One of the scientists working at The Facility. As Somniphobia was of a higher ranking than Remi was, they didn't talk much. In fact, it was forbidden. But even back when he was naive and stupid Remi could tell that something was wrong with the heavyset canine. His eyes always had bags under them, and he trudged around with a constant slouch. Now that he knows the truth about The Facility, Remi can barely suppress a shiver as he wonders just what monstrosities Somniphobia was dealing with that turned him, an otherwise unbothered and apathetic canine, into a sleep-deprived wreck."