


3 years, 4 months ago




Name: Matearya 

Species: D?

Age: 19
Birthday: November 1st

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Pronouns: She/Her

Occupation: TBD, its a mystery, shes here and there, a Jack of All you could say...

Voice: TBA
Height: 5'6 (Human form) ~9' (Mer-Form, head to tail tip)

Magic: Mermaid - Able to become a mer, and human, can dive deeper than most and in any temperatures, and can sing with the power of a Siren on special occasions.

Friends: TBA

Ceto Kymopoleia Eurybia - 'Adoptive Mother'
Eliphas Depraysie - 'Adoptive Father' (zelyxa (Lace))

Personality: Patient but 'takes no bull', intolerant of willful ignorance or cruelty, unafraid of pain or consequences, stands for her beliefs. She can be kind and gentle, caring and giving, and is an amazing listener who can provide a multitude of opinions and options. When in danger, she can easily stay calm and act in a manner that satisfies/calms the threat and keeps her or others safe.

Likes: Amusement Parks, Sports (almost ALL kinds), Autumn, Motorcycles
Dislikes: Enclosed Spaces, Trash/Litter, Seaguls
Hobbies: Fashion Design/Sewing, Coral Growing, Pearl Collecting, Reading, Lost Item Collecting

Bio: A mermaid lost at sea, found and unwillingly adopted by the Sea Hydra Ceto, a monster Queen below the water, and a Pirate Queen above the waves. Raised without a shield against the harm the world can bring, she is submissive to her Mother's commands, but dominates in her life away from her, acting almost as an opposite to the figure that raised her. More to be added!

Theme Songs: tba