Nyra (yellow)



3 years, 8 months ago


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Nyra (Yellow)

Female • 22 Y/O • ENFP

"Name's Nyra, by the way."

  • CREATOR GuacamacaYT
  • DESIGNER GuacamacaYT
  • UNIVERSE Among Us
  • WORTH Not for sale
  • BIRTHDAY June 6th
  • RACE Crewmate
  • Species Bean
  • OCCUPATION Informatic technician
  • ARCHETYPE Yellow Crewmate
  • SEXUALITY Straight
  • VOICE Claudia (The Dragon Prince)
  • THEME tbd
  • Meeting new people
  • Helping others
  • Conversation
  • New experiences
  • making people feel better
  • Passive-agressive people
  • Bad social enviroments
  • Rainy days
  • Lazyness
  • Arguing

Nyra, also known as Yellow, is one of the main characters in Among Us: C R O P H S

She is a Crewmate who worked at Mira HQ. She volunteered to go on a space mission to retrieve some discs and bring them back to store information. Nyra is very sympathetic, she is often seen lifting up the mood or helping others solve their problems. She has a special talent for guessing one's true emotions regardless of how hidden these are. This is seen after chapter 2, when she starts to realize that Ari doesn't actually want to kill her.

Caring • Curious • Brave

Nyra is almost always in a good mood, and seems to always lighten up the mood in whatever room she walks in. Back at HQ she was often referred to as the 'Extra moral assistant of the sector' and 'Someone who could talk her way out of getting killed' because of how much she seemed to care about everyone's well being despite it not being her actual job, and her ease to find the right words when talking. Nyra believes that everyone who makes mistakes deserves a second chance, sometimes a third, even. Still, the goodness in her heart shouldn't be mistaken for weakness, as she will not hestitate do defend her loved ones when it comes to it. She is always looking forward to new experiences, and will act accordingly depending on the situation.

AU: C R O P H S (Chapter 2)

At the dropship on her way to the Skeld in which the mission will be taking place, Nyra notices that the orange Crewmate next to her was very anxious, and tried to calm her down with some reasurring words. When it didn't seem to work as well as she expected, she decided to look around at the crew to find someone who could help. She spotted a green bean who was also wathing the others, and decided he was the best option. She called him over and he helped calm Orange down. Right before she could thank him the dropship arrived at the Skeld, and they all went in. After some instructions she went traight to comms and packed the discs she was told to get, then she went to shields to work on her other tasks. Shortly after, she noticed some movement in the corner of her vision, and saw Green slowly walking in. She felt a sense of dread wash over her; fear. Seeing as she didn't have anywhere to run to, she decided to engage in conversation with him, hoping that would disctract him from his original goal. It worked, and she started asking questions to try and confirm her suspicions, which she realized were right when he said he was from Mira, and then made things up when questioned about it. After a bit more chat Nyra realized how nervous he appeared to be, and wondered if he was just pretending or if there was something more to it. Shortly after, a meeting was called.

AU: C R O P H S (Chapter 3)

Nyra and Green make their way to cafeteria and see Red standing on a table. The discussion starts after everyone arrives, Red explains that he found Blue's body on medbay. After some talking, Black comes to the conclussion that the killer must have been Orange. Nyra knew that couldn't be true; If Impostors were supossed to be calculating and cold, Orange was none of that. Still, she didn't have any real proof to defend her, so she decided to stay silent instead. Orange ends up being ejected despite her desperate sobbing, and this makes Nyra feel really bad. Green, who was standing next to her at the time, placed one hand on her back to confort her, which took Nyra by surprise. Her first reaction was to hug him, not only to seek comfort herself but also because he was clearly not happy with what happened either. Everyone goes back to their tasks, including Nyra who returns to shields. There, she thinks about this strange Green bean. He was clearly an Impostor, yes, but he was also nothing like they were described to be. He had offered a helping hand at the dropship, stopped to talk instead of just killing her, and then reassured her after Orange was voted out. The lights went out before she could keep thinking about it, so she made her way to electrical to fix them. When she arrived she saw Black already working on it, and decided to stick around until the electricity was repaired. Both of them heard a noise at the back of the room, and when they walked in they noticed the vent closing behind White's dead body.

AU: C R O P H S (chapter 4)

Both her and Black go to cafeteria and wait for everyone to get there. They report where the body was found, and most beans clear each other. Red and Cyan start arguing, and Nyra notices how scared Red's son looked seeing his father act in such an agressive way. She felt bad for him, for all of them, because both were fighting in fear of being called liars, in fear of getting voted out. Eventually Black says that he doesn't think Cyan's excuse makes much sense, so they vote him out. Nyra is about to go back to electrical with Black when Green stops them and asks if he can go with them, as he had already finished his tasks. Nyra agrees quickly, Black hestitates but lets him tag along. While Nyra fixes some wires, the three of them hear a loud thump outside the hallway, and decide to investigate. Upon taking a closer look they all find Red's body in storage.


They also see Brown standing next to the body, so Black says that it was clearly him and that they should call the meeting to just get this over with. Nyra doesn't believe it could have been Brown, and the three of them were all at electrical, leaving only one possible killer: Purple. Still, during the discussion, she chose to not say anything after pondering the idea of confronting him. He had already cleared himself for multiple kills, and could probably flip the blame on her easily. She didn't want to get ejected unfairly, so she waited out the inminent future instead. Brown gets voted out, and Nyra doesn't need to look at the screen to know he was innocent. She walks away without saying a word and makes her way to navigation, waiting for one of the Impostors to find her and end this once and for all. Green eventually walks in, and she's confused when he joins her in looking out the front window instead of killing her. After some moments she decides she can't stand this tension anymore and confronts him, asking why he hadn't killed her yet, expecting any of these seconds to be her last. As Green explains that he doesn't want to kill her because she didn't deserve it, and starts rambling about how conflicted he feels, Nyra realizes that he's telling the truth; that he's not trying to pretend or to save some time. He's genuinely rethinking his existence, his purpose, and he's overwhelmed by all these newfound feelings. Before he can spiral further down that path Nyra hugs him once more. She's scared, because she doesn't know how he's going to react, but she doeesn't care. She's willing to comfort him like he did, even if it means risking her life. He hugged her back, and she felt the weight drop off his shoulders; He had clearly never been treated with such care, and he desperately needed it. (wip)

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  • FOOD Unknown
  • COLOUR Unknown
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • NUMBER Unknown
  • HOLIDAY Unknown
  • SEASON Unknown
  • TIME OF DAY Unknown
  • GENRE Unknown
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll.
  • In nec dui ut mauris bibendum facilisis. Cras sed euismod libero. Praesent tincidunt ut quam vulputate rutrum. Mauris gravida justo quis felis vestibulum, non facilisis neque euismod.
  • Mauris ut elit et nunc vestibulum tempor. Sed odio nisi, suscipit fringilla mi eu, scelerisque pellentesque eros.
  • Proin varius, nulla non condimentum luctus, quam nisi blandit tortor, vitae porttitor tellus ante at ligula. Suspendisse sagittis sapien eget lacus luctus sodales.


Describe the characters' relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Mauris egestas lacus non risus pretium mollis. Cras suscipit elementum sapien eu varius. Aenean aliquam lorem turpis, vitae bibendum nisl aliquet eget. Cras ut tincidunt quam. Praesent laoreet accumsan interdum. Curabitur venenatis nisi at est fermentum dignissim. Nullam nec ligula leo. Mauris iaculis tempus aliquet. Nunc tincidunt elit id laoreet sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed commodo diam in elit condimentum interdum. Donec vel massa ut ipsum rutrum sodales. Nunc volutpat, eros id ornare varius, enim neque mollis quam, eu hendrerit sapien nulla id velit.



Describe the characters' relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Mauris egestas lacus non risus pretium mollis. Cras suscipit elementum sapien eu varius. Aenean aliquam lorem turpis, vitae bibendum nisl aliquet eget. Cras ut tincidunt quam. Praesent laoreet accumsan interdum. Curabitur venenatis nisi at est fermentum dignissim. Nullam nec ligula leo. Mauris iaculis tempus aliquet. Nunc tincidunt elit id laoreet sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed commodo diam in elit condimentum interdum. Donec vel massa ut ipsum rutrum sodales. Nunc volutpat, eros id ornare varius, enim neque mollis quam, eu hendrerit sapien nulla id velit.



Describe the characters' relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Mauris egestas lacus non risus pretium mollis. Cras suscipit elementum sapien eu varius. Aenean aliquam lorem turpis, vitae bibendum nisl aliquet eget. Cras ut tincidunt quam. Praesent laoreet accumsan interdum. Curabitur venenatis nisi at est fermentum dignissim. Nullam nec ligula leo. Mauris iaculis tempus aliquet. Nunc tincidunt elit id laoreet sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed commodo diam in elit condimentum interdum. Donec vel massa ut ipsum rutrum sodales. Nunc volutpat, eros id ornare varius, enim neque mollis quam, eu hendrerit sapien nulla id velit.

Code by Aurorean