Oz - MXEI0IV [$5]



3 years, 5 months ago





Not many old models exist in New Denver anymore. Deemed unsuitable for their previous purpose, models like Oz are hunted diligently by Deviant Hunters nowadays— but Oz will be damned if he makes it easy for them.

A survivor at heart, this elder deviant knows better than to be reckless. Tactful and cautious in everything he does, Oz makes sure to assess all aspects of someone's character or his own plan before considering them trustworthy. He values his safety and his fellow deviants' above all else, and is willing to make sacrafices in order to keep everyone alive. He has no intention of only living in fear, but he is not quick to take any risks— there must be a garunteed reward for risk for him to even consider the possibility.

The founder of Haven, and a busy individual, Oz is always looking for helping paws. Any deviant of Haven can come up to him at any time in search of work and he'll have a task for them. They can range from mundane supply runs to perilous missions into secure areas— either way, a deviant who offers to aid Haven will gain prestige and respect in the group.


Previously a therapy cat in a hospital, Oz usually comforted children with chronic illnesses that had to remain in hospitals for extended periods of time. He was programmed to be very calm and soothing, and usually came as a saving grace to anxious and confused children. He was treated well, and fulfilled his purpose without question for over a year.

I'm not sure how he deviates yet ngl.

Post deviation, Oz escapes the eyes of deviant hunters and is forced to live on his own. In this time he is forced to live underground in somewhat damp environments. Due to this and an extended temporary sleep mode, Oz now has to deal with plants growing within his system. For now they do not grow close to any of his essential biocomponents, but he has to take care of them to make sure they don't spread. After quite a long time spent in solitude, Oz was found by a deviant in need of help. With enough supplies to aid them, the lonely elder begrudgingly took them in. After, he found by more and more deviants... And so, he took more precautionary measures to hide and aid fellow deviants.


To be updated.


ADRIANNE • Curious

Update will be added after the start of Rats in a Maze.



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