☉ Gopi & Madeye ☉



3 years, 4 months ago


Gopi Youngman Alastor Moody

Gopi Youngman

NameGopi Youngman

Age11 - 20

GenderHe / They Transmasc


OccupationHogwarts Student


Alastor Moody

NameAlastor Moody


GenderHe / Him Trans Man


OccupationRetired Auror



TypeParental / Fatherly-son figures

LengthSummer after 6th year

StatusFather / Son figures

MetSirius's House

LivingN / A

ThemeN / A


Madeye and Gopi's relationship was rocky at first, due to Gopi becoming  close with the fake Madeye, and thus being extremely nervous around the  real one, even though it felt like they already knew each other. Madeye  had to regain Gopi's trust. Madeye always gave Gopi advice, and so Gopi  started to go to him for advice, and thus became close that way.

Their  conversations always drifted from the original subject, and so they'd  talk to each other for hours. Soon Moody became protective of Gopi and  felt fatherly towards them, especially after hearing about their home life.

Even though at the start Gopi was intimidated by Madeye, they still became close to him, and the more they talked to him, the less scared they became of him. Gopi likes hearing about his stories of being an Auror, he thinks the stories are interesting. When they're alone together, Moody often likes to ask about stories Gopi has about being a muggle.

Often when the students / kids have to be teamed up together for dangerous missions (ex. the one where they took Harry to the Burrow in book 7) Madeye and Gopi will be teamed together.

Moody wishes deep down that he could officially adopt Gopi (and Sage), but due to them becoming close after Gopi had already turned 17, he legally can't.


Event One

When Barty Crouch JR was impersonating Moody, Gopi had actually become close with him, or at least to him he thought he did. Gopi spent a lot of time with Moody in his office, getting advice on things and his homework, just having conversations with him.

At the end of the year, they found out that it wasn't the real Madeye, and Gopi became very upset, since his trust was just betrayed. He was extremely nervous and intimidated by the real Moody after that.

Event Two

Gopi spent the summer before 7th year at the Blacks house with the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius, Remus, and Moody. For most of the summer Gopi almost completely avoided Moody, avoiding looking at him and even leaving the room whenever Moody entered it, and Moody started to notice.

When Moody got the chance to, and Gopi was alone, Moody talked to him about the whole situation, and even explains that he heard about how close Gopi and the fake Moody was. Moody took some time to get Gopi comfortable around him, mainly talking to them when they were alone or when they would wonder around the Blacks house while everyone else was sleeping and they couldn't.

Moody often let Gopi vent about stuff, his family, school work, anything like that, and in return, Moody told Gopi some stories of his own, and would give Gopi some advice if he had any. After while, Gopi started to look forward to talking to Moody, and they became close.

During 7th year, Gopi and Moody wrote to each other often and stayed in contact. Gopi often visited him with George during the holidays.

Event Three

During the flight to the Burrow with Harry, Moody got shot and became severely injured. Gopi had graduated from Hogwarts and had been living with Fred and George in their joke shop, but after that, Gopi decided to live with Moody for awhile and help him around. Once George got his own house and Moody healed, Gopi moved back with George, but stayed in close contact with Moody.









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  • Gopi ends up getting Moody a therapy dog (: 
  • They like to wear Hawaiian and patterned shirts together, Moody often gets Gopi Hawaiian shirts.
  • Moody gives Gopi some of them good trans tips and pointers.