Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warning

Please proceed with caution, this profile contains the following elements:

  • a lot of murder
  • cannibalism
  • abuse, emotional and psysical.
  • Cults
  • death

Before you follow/Interact

Im so srs about this but i will hate you forever if you compare my charecter with someone else's im being so serious ESPECIALLY hazbin charecters like "eerrhmm.. is that angel dust" THATS JUST A WHITE ANTHRO WITH PINK ACCENTS FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFF

i just dont like viv or hazbin in general dude but if you like the show yourself good for you!! just don't actively try to get me to watch it with you or anything, other then that i dont bite!

Do Not Interact

Never interact with me or my characters if:

  • if you support Israel (free palestine!)
  • if you are a proshipper
  • are on my blacklist
  • if you're homophobic
  • are in the DNI criteria


You may interact, but I will be wary of you if:

  • not much really, just don't do the DNI stuff and you're mostly good.
  • maybe "don't be annoying" could be on here but that would make me a massive hypocrite LMAOOO
  • oh yeah you actvely try to push your religion on me, im atheist and i respect all religions but, if you dont know already; trying to push a religion on someone who doesn't want to partake in it is an asshole move.


The following users are blacklisted:

  • No one, thanks!


a lot of these are obvious but just take a quick read.

+ just ask if youre wondering anything ! im too lazy to write it all here.

You may not

You may not do any of the following:

  • draw NSFW of my charecters (duh)
  • Be weird with my minor charecters
  • try to justify "i can fix them" on charecters that are clearly abuser
  • offer on anyone that isnt lablelled UFO

You may

You may do any of the following:

  • fanart
  • add my oc's to dreamies
  • uhhhhh idk man just ask

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No thanks!