
3 years, 4 months ago


"Are you not entertained?"


Ashtai Wildfyre

Female (they/she) . Kalashtar . 21

1,69 M
About 70 KG



Ashtai is an entertainer at heart. She loves show and display and prefers battles to be as epic as they can be. She took "Wildfyre" as a sort of stagename and uses it as her last name since she doesn't have one from her family. Having grown up a hermit she had enough of that lifestyle and craved company. Perferably the entertaining, adventerous type. She has a hard time admitting mistakes and prefers to ignore them until people hopefully forget about it. She will always take the adventerous route and try new things rather than sticking to what she knows. Ashtai is also completely susceptible to peer pressure: if several people cheer her on to do something she will do it.

Her most prominent "act" is the summoning of a wildfire spirit. A gnarled creature seemingly made of fire, bones and roots. It is capable of teleportation and leaves a fiery explosion behind everytime it does so. She has a close bond with this creature. It helps her in battle and is protective of her as soon as it is summoned. It seems to love combat but is incapable of speech and seems mostly dog or wolf like in behaviour.

Her story

Her parents taught her the ways of druids and kept her sheltered in the forest. Ashtai did not really take to this life and she moved to the big Engwìth city Ishmar to see some adventure as soon as she was old enough. There she worked as an entertainer in the Grand Arena, mostly taking the task of summoning creatures for the gladiators to fight, staying out of the ring herself. She took joy is this job up until the point the Engwìth disappeared. All of them. With warforged still enforcing their laws but nobody to guide the warforged it soon became clear that the arena was no place to stay as food started running out. Banding together with some other workers in the arena Ashtai escaped. Now she has no cause and the continent-wide empire of the Engwìth is crumbling.

Kalashtar are closely related to the Engwìth and Ashtai has no idea if her race might be next. She is motivated to make a name for herself so that if she were to disappear tomorrow she wouldn't be gone entirely.

Pinterest board/clothing inspiration
