Alura Gora



3 years, 5 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Alura Goraline

Alias: Alura



Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Dog/???/Plant

Age: Appears 20

D.o.B.: ???

Sexuality: Straight

City of Birth: 

Currently lives: 

Languages Spoken: Empire City English, Spagonia French, 

Relationship Status: Searching and looking.

-Physical Appearance-


Eye colour: Hazel

Fur colour: 

Hairstyle: Parts above her left eye. Tends to curve outward, with one long centre tail.

Tail: Reaches her knees.

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None at all.

Scars/distinguishing marks: 

Frequently worn Jewellery: 

Smoker/Drinker: No / Yes yes yes


Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: 


  • Dreamer:
  • Affectionate:
  • Coy:
  • Jealous:



Favourite/Disliked Food: 

Favourite/Disliked Drink: 




  • "Roslan! Charles! You have come to save me!"
  • "I ought to have you turned into fertiliser as soon as you stepped into my abode."


  • Forester: It's not enough to be good in the garden. She could tend a whole forest if need be, using her understanding of plants to know their needs and wants. Then she'll fetch their needs and wants for them.


  • Plant Manipulation: She has the power to communicate with plants, getting to know their needs and wants so that she can tend to them immediately. She also has the power to control the plants growing on her, using them for various attacks. They can rapidly regenerate when she consumes something.
  • Cooking: A good way to get into one's heart.
  • Melodic Singing: A pretty voice for a pretty face. 
  • Artful Grace: Every move is calculated to make her look dainty. It's not enough to look good, she must move good.
  • Summoning Mastery: She can create a couple of monsters to aid her quest of rampant regrowth. She doesn't really have a recipe for these things. She just makes them based on the terrain she is working in.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. She leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so she is ready to perform her next action.
  • Lotus Harpoons: Basic skill. One of her tendrils lashes out at her chosen direction, fast enough to impale any who are caught in the tendril's path.
  • Nectar: Basic spell. The flowers on her tendrils spit out sticky nectar at her foes.
  • Pollen: Basic spell. The flowers on her tendrils release a mysterious pollen.
  • Entangling Pod: Basic spell. The flower on her tendril launches a seed pod at her foe. Upon contact with a surface, roots begin to rapidly emerge and entangle whoever or whatever has been caught. Those who step or touch these bundles of root will become entangled.
  • Flower Darts: Basic spell. Four white flowers with thorny stems sprout from her fingers, which she then launches at her foe. If it were to come into contact with any organic bodies, the stems will drain blood from their target. This causes the white flower to slowly become red.
  • Rise of Thorns: Intermediate spell. By thrusting one of her tendrils into the earth, she can cause a series of thorny roots to shoot out in a particular area. These roots fire at random, so it's not guaranteed to hit her foe. The amount fired can ensure one of them hits.
  • Thorn Barrier: Intermediate spell. By thrusting one of her tendrils into the earth, she can cause a series of thorny roots to shoot out around her. These roots will absorb a lot of damage before they wither away.
  • Flower Storm: Advanced spell.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: 

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Father)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes





Extra Info:

  • Villain Focus: Vegan propaganda. She would try to ruin any facility that produces non-vegan food products. This includes establishments that serves non-vegan menus.