


3 years, 4 months ago



Name : Silentdawn
PREFIX –Silent very quiet and secretive
SUFFIX –Dawn refers to the color of her pelt
Pastnames : Silentkit, Silentpaw
Age : 34 Moons
Birthseason : Leaf Fall
Gender : Female (she/her)
Rank : Warrior
Residence : ShadowClan
Mentor : Unknown
Apprentice : N/A

Summary : Orange and brown seal point ragdoll with a large dark brown splotch on right eye, faint freckles on face, hourglass like marking on nose, blue eyes
Breed : Ragdoll
Eye Colour : Blue
Height : 7.5"
Body Type : Large, Muscular Build
Tail : Long
Scars : None

good . neutral . bad

Silentdawn has always been very quiet and aloof. It was rare for her to socialize as she preferred to be alone but she is a very loyal friend should someone manage to get close enough to her. Despite most of her clanmates not knowing too much about her personally, she has proven to be a very brave and determine warrior.

After the death of her mother, Silentdawn's quiet and secretive nature only grew and she began to withdraw herself away from even the few close friends she was able to make. She also would snap a lot quicker over things other cats would see as small issues.

  • Alone time
  • Night-time
  • Being in the trees
  • Most kits
  • Loud noises
  • Being sick
Fears : N/A
Habits : N/A
  • Leafbreeze's older sister
  • Does not have the best relationship with her sister due to the large age gap between the two of them.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Unknown
Mother : Squirrelpounce, ShadowClan Warrior, Deceased
Mate : None
Kits : None

Silentdawn was the first born of Squirrelpounce. Her mother loved her dearly and though Silentdawn refused to speak more often than not, the two had a strong bond with many of her clanmates noting the similarities between the kit and her mother. Unfortunately, Silentdawn was born with a poor immune system and would frequently fall ill, especially during leaf-bare. This was worrisome for Squirrelpounce which led the queen to watch over Silentdawn like a hawk in fear that she could potentially lose her life.

As she grew older, Silentdawn would get sick less and less but it would still occur more frequently than it did for the other ShadowClan cats. Due to this weakness, Silentdawn felt she had to train extra hard to prove her worth to her clan. Luckily she was able to succeed and even proved to be far ahead in her training in comparison to the other apprentices. A few moons into her warriorhood, Squirrelpounce gave birth to Leafbreeze who was almost just as shy and reserved as Silentdawn was but was slightly more eager to build friendships with the other kits in the nursery. Squirrelpounce cared for Leafbreeze just as much as she did Silentdawn but that did not prevent Silentdawn from distancing herself from her younger sister as much as she could. Her sister's desire to follow in her pawsteps is what lead to her dislike for most kits as she felt almost suffocated and unable to enjoy her alone time.

Not long after Leafbreeze's apprentice ceremony, Squirrelpounce would ultimately pass away due to natural causes. Unfortunately it came unexpectedly which devastated Silentdawn. The warrior would become far more separated from the rest of her clan. To escape the pestering questions about her well being from her clanmates, Silentdawn began spending more and more time up in the trees that littered ShadowClan's territory. Now she uses it as a way to just enjoy some peace and quiet when she's not tending to her usual warrior duties.

code by jiko