


3 years, 5 months ago


Upon first meeting of Cesare most people would come away with the impression that he is quiet and reserved, but very well spoken and intelligent.  He's a man that is constantly observing, assessing, and seems to always have an exact idea of what is going on in a situation down to the little details.  Upon knowing him more it would quickly become apparent that he is unwaveringly loyal to Sati and his siblings.  He would do whatever it took to protect them or to achieve what Sati has asked of him.  Known for his flexibility, he is just as comfortable in the role of a foot soldier as he is an advisor or tactician and skilled at whatever he puts his mind to.

Outside of the work Cesare does for Sati, he can be found reading voraciously, chasing other intellectual pursuits, or spending time with his loved ones.  He will begin to open up if he finds someone to be either a good friend to the family, or a worthy intellectual equal.  If anyone is willing to make the attempt to mentally spar with him, he thrives on discussing deep or challenging topics.  He loves to be challenged on his view, and to challenge others in return.  He's also known to love a good game, particularly ones that require mental skill but ultimately he's not terrible picky as long as it's a challenge.  

If anyone is lucky enough to get close enough to Cesare or catch him with his family they will see much more warmth from him as his walls come down.  He will frequently allow his sisters, particularly Francesca, coax him into letting his hair down and having more fun or being silly.  His sense of humor on his own tends to be more dry and subtle, full of quiet private jokes.  It's not all that uncommon for him to intentionally make an offhanded comment that seems innocent on the surface but mysteriously a close friend or family member seems to be having trouble keeping a straight face.

When it comes to love, Cesare is really not much of a romantic.  He tends to funnel his devotion to his work and his family more than anything else.  Still, he's fallen for a few people in his vampiric lifespan.  Most usually they are people that challenge him or his views in some way, or he feels like have a lot to teach him.  The mind is the thing he finds most attractive and he cares much less about looks, age, gender, or social status.  He is attentive when he is with them and makes sure to set aside time in his schedule to devote to just them, but the understanding is always there that to some degree Sati and the rest of his family will always come first.