Beato Enn T'Arr



3 years, 3 months ago


Height: 6'8

Weight: 215 lbs

Age: 42

Personality traits:

  • I'm prone to romantic dalliances. Sometimes hearts get broken, but never mine.
  • I especially seek out the company of races other than my own to broaden my experience.

Ideals: Indulgence. You only live once, so make sure you don't regret having missed out on fulfilling your desires. (Chaotic)

Bonds: I'm willing to search the planes of existence for the perfect tankard of ale.

Flaws: I'm prone to making large bets on outrageous or even dangerous stunts and contests.

Backstory: Beato is an Orc from the region of Umoya. Having grown up in a well-off family, Beato was expected to take place in an arranged marriage in hopes that her marriage would not fail like her mother's. Beato, however, a rowdy, hedonistic young adult, was not a fan of this in the slightest and took off, setting out to become an adventuress, only dropping by her home town every so often. She had many a romantic fling during her adventures, leading to the birth of her son Clow. Beato never really wanted to be a mother, her own mother whom she had a rocky relationship with had since passed, and her half-brother not wanting to speak to her, left her son with other Orcs in the village often to care for him instead, but with many looking on her in shame even more than before, her visits became less and less frequent.

Beato is a hedonist- driven by pleasure and willing to seek it by any means necessary. She is also not a big fan of gender roles, expectations on women/mothers, ect. She doesn't like the idea of the nuclear family and all that jazz either- she considers herself a free spirit. Despite this, Beato is pretty quick to anger. As fun-loving, impulsive, and hedonistic as she is, she's definitely got an aggressive side to her too that's just as passionate. Morally- good, bad, whatever, alignments don't matter to her as long as she can get something fun out of it. She is promiscuous and unapologetic about it. Very stubborn about her opinions. Holds onto grudges forever. Her biggest fear is being forced into subservience- the idea of being bossed around by someone else does not gel well with her.

She has a tattoo on her left arm, although it is mostly obscured by armor or clothing. Upper ear piercings on both ears, and a scar on her face from Orcish skirmishes in her childhood. She is double-jointed.