Ayaka Izumi



Basic Info






Feb 28th


5' 1"

Hair Color


Eye Color


Sexual Preference



At-Home Mom


Cooking, The visuals of magic,


Her mother and father, Intense Stress, Loud Shouting


   Ayaka was born in a Costal City in the USA, growing up in a small family in an apartment. She grew up in a rather poor family with a feeling that the roof could be broken by her mother and father at anytime. As a child, she was almost constantly shouted at what to do and to not do, even at the littlest things. The stress of her 'home' carried over to her school life where it was so hard to make friends from how bitter and angry she was. Even the work she struggled with since she can't focus on it at home. She ended up staying later and later from home in her teens until her mother basically abused her to come home on time while her father was drunk on the couch.

   After High School she didn't have the grades nor the money to get into a college and ended up working jobs and having a hard-time holding onto them. Mainly thanks to not keeping her anger in check and struggling to keep people she's networked with. Making matters worse is that she can't afford a new place to live so she has to stay with her family who have become worse overtime. It was around this time she began to experiment with cooking and even getting good at it, only for her father to shout and call it "garbage." It wasn't until she ended up almost drinking her sorrows away in a bar where she met someone with darker skin enter the bar and came to her. She ended up just dumping all her anger that day into what happened that day and to her surprise, he stayed and the two began sharing more of their lives. When they left, they stayed in touch and slowly became a couple.

   There were moments where she saw her new relationship as a way to get away from her folks, which she did take but regretted that she was seeing her new lover as a tool rather than a sweet person. She began working on improving herself and her outlook on the world. One of the more serious things was ghosting her unhappy family, even to the point of asking for a more secret wedding which they got. Now as a mother, no longer tied to her family and feeling like her own person, she ended up being a stay-at-home mother as a way to be closer to her new daughter, Sakura. The baggage of her upbringing was still there but she began trying to use her creativity with cooking to relax with occasional bits of Yoga. While she can't offer spells and sorcery like her husband, she is more satisfied with helping with keeping a warm and loving home.