Piper Nagatoro



3 years, 5 months ago


The reason this character has so many different colors is because I didn’t know which one I liked better. Blonde was the first color I went with, pink(?) color was what I had originally planned and second, and last was black, lol.

When the user’s palm touches anything it will rot. Unlike Shigaraki’s quirk this user’s quirk takes a few minutes to complete. Once the rotting process is completed whatever the user touched will have been completely rotted and can no longer be fixable. If the user touches a human they take a day to completely rot. Within half the day they will be dead. 

The user can touch themselves, but parts of their skin cracks and looks kinda rotted.

The only way to reverse the effects of if a healing quirk or quirk that erases quirks interferes.

Born and raised in America, but moved to Japan on his own at ten after accidentally rotting his best friend and was left under the impression that she died. Became a villain. His name is Piper Nagatoro.

Later on becomes a hero and wears special gloves to keep things from rotting.