cringe pill's Comments

no idea if youd do 15 dollars for this character if they are up for offers but ima shoot my shot :] 

Are they up for offer? The way YOU designed it amazing and colors and look fun to draw. If not up for offer can I get a ping? :3

Hello! May I offer a trade or some art for this kid?

sorry nobody interested me

oo wb 100 ac each for this bab and (so 200 in all)

mmm I don't really look for amino coins right now but I can look up for designs!! :0

Lol ok, what designs are you interested in

Sorry, I wouldn't trade any of those babs

wait a min lemme find othersss

4 Replies


sure show me your characters lol 

You can look at this Toyhouse or my sales Toyhouse: 707s-trades-sales