Alpaca Man (PJN 003)



3 years, 5 months ago



"I don't need you to respect me, I respect me. I don't need you to love me, I love me. But I want you to know you could know me if you change your mind."


Alpaca Man  
Male // 6'9 ft // Pansexual, Demisexual, Demiromantic // August 12th

Good point: Comforting

Bad point: Tired

Like: Warm food

Dislikes: Conflict

Alpaca Man is a battle robot based off an alpaca. He is the only robot in his line with a non-bipedal design, making him stronger and faster than the rest of his colleagues. His legs are also very powerful, as he uses them to buck opponents to and fro. His fur is incredibly soft and fluffy and his ears are sensitive to hearing, letting him hear things from miles away.

Alpaca is a very calm character and likes to take long, comfy naps everyday. People think he's lazy, but he's still very efficient and can get serious when needed to despite his constant leisurely attitude. He does care deeply for his siblings and friends, though he's not very good at showing it and speaks to everyone in a sleepy, tired tone of voice. But he's ironically a good listener, being an advantage for needing to talk to someone when they need it most, but a disadvantage for having to hear things he doesn't want to. Alpaca hates getting into serious and unnecessary conflict with others, and as such he's tried to stay out of any family problems that he can, though his ultra sensitive hearing hasn't been the kindest to him. Basically being able to hear and know what goes behind closed doors, he's been subjected to hearing so many things all his life that he can hear the pressure cracking down on him from so many secrets, ranging from basic lies, dark secrets, or the thing that's mentally affected him most, the abuse his younger siblings have endured. His pacifist code prevents him from getting involved in the conflict directly, so he's simply left to always listen but never act, driving him to become more guilty and show compassion when he needs to most.
Other than liking to sleep for most of the day, 12 full hours, Alpaca is a huge food lover and regularly eats several pounds of food in the few hours that he's left to be awake. Feel free to pet him, brush him, scratch his chin, he likes getting physical affection. Alpaca is also subjected to being a snarky older brother, and every now and then loves getting involved in bets.

Created by Professor Jayde 
