Ratinel Leresaunt



3 years, 5 months ago


No pretty paragraphs yet, but some basic info:

  • Ratinel Leresaunt, goes by the unfortunate nickname "Rat"
  • My one and only Warrior of Light
  • Age 26 (March 27, Aries)
  • Cis male, bi
  • Heart on his sleeve. Very genuine, whether its with love, empathy, anger, he tries to be direct
  • Also trusting; bad at lying and doesn't appreciate liars
  • A people pleaser, likes to see people happy
  • Also a goofball
  • Doesn't have a canon job soulstone except for DRK, but doesn't use it for combat, just therapy
  • Instead he's closer to a pugilist; when diplomacy fails the next step is fist
  • Was born Ishgardian
  • Raised as a good Fury-fearing boy
  • Superstitious 
  • But optimistic
  • Doesn't embarrass easily and has a habit of accepting stupid dares
  • His family (mom, dad, and twin sister Batrisse) run a woodworking business
  • He's a very good carpenter
  • Very enthusiastic about trees and wood grain. Can chat with Beatin for hours
  • He was Not Happy with how things were in Ishgard and it led to him running away sometime before the calamity (the specific how/why are still TBD but the timing and conditions weren't really his choice) 
  • The result is that he feels really guilty about leaving his family behind, and out of fear of implicating them in heretical nonsense didn't contact them until after like Stormblood, and that wasn't even directly
  • As much as he misses his family, the guilt of being out of contact for so long without explanation is keeping him from reuniting out of fear they won't forgive him. Seeing them again is the one instance where he struggles to take the direct approach
  • However it's hard to maintain a low profile as the WoL; especially spending so much time in the Firmament
  • He left Ishgard with his chocobo, Kukuru
  • Kukuru is a black chocobo who's feathers are... well, brown. She didn't meet the standards that Ishgardians hold their famed black chocobos to so he took her
  • Very much in love with his husband T'lehn Tia
  • Very much in love with fishing