


3 years, 4 months ago


After getting a picture back of Na'mera with breasts far larger than I had expected due to the artist having changed styles but not posting recent work, I created Valerie as an extreme absurd joke. I do the traditional Halloween picture with LeonKatlovre now, but beyond that I'm trying to get away from the hyper joke with Valerie as in my head she has evolved into a much different character, and I want to keep up a dignified, ladylike demeanor with her.

She aced though high school with no problems, and worked her way though college as a waitress, she's almost her world's version of Tony Stark. Incredibly intelligent and charismatic, she built her own tech company and branched out, eventually going into military R&D, following on the path her father, a US Army Ranger was on when he was killed. She loves being feminine, as in being and adult mature woman, classy dresses and appearances, and her image is important to her, but she doesn't take herself to seriously, and part of why I don't drop the hyper aspect of some of the art I get of her. I feel like she'd would understand and have some fun with the joke herself. However, large breasts and an hour glass figure are defining physical traits of hers, and she does enjoy dressing to accentuate her feminine shape in ways that don't degrade her. She enjoys cosplaying and the costumes make Halloween an enjoyable time of year for her.

Company Logo- A cute White tiger face with the word Valtech conforming to the bottom of the circle.

Art- High class dresses, Jessica Rabbit dresses, Suit dresses, fashionable skirts and blouses, costumes. tech related props, such as Val Tech tablets. PG pinup style pictures.